Following deliberation over the issue in the State Senate, legislators voted in favor of a bill to create a list of people who were previously convicted of terrorism – but as you will read on the next page, it doesn’t necessarily require an actual conviction. The list, meant to resemble a sex offender registry, would allow authorities to keep track of those who have committed acts of terror in the past.
State Senator Cathy Young led the charge for the proposal, which covers individuals “convicted” of terrorism both at home and overseas. The planned New York State Terrorist Registry would require those affected to complete a registration form as well as give a current photograph, fingerprints and a DNA sample to law enforcement.
As the state where 9/11 occurred, New York is especially sensitive to issues regarding terrorism and is keen on seeing such issues sufficiently dealt with – no wonder it was the first to pass such legislation.
Read more on the next page:
should be based on convictions. innocent until proven guilty.
Trump has spent a good deal of time whining that President Obama did not immediately rush off to Louisiana, but Obama was simply respecting the wishes of the Governor, who said he’d “rather he give us another week or two. And then he can visit.”
President Obama complied, while Trump showed up anyway. After all, he was busy crafting a narrative that Barack Obama hates flood victims. Isn’t that more important?
Trump, facing criticism for failing to donate money to help, ultimately gave $100 million to a church run by a hate group leader.
thats funny , as all lawmakers and the president have to sign off on it!!
Nazi Germany, the sequel.
Hey, that’s what Monica Lewinsky said!
The author is right: any such registry, if implemented, must be very carefully planned, populated, guarded and trimmed as needed.
Given the highly unsatisfactory history of “bad guy tracking” since 1913, it seems unlikely that this initiative, as described here, could easily avoid unhealthy interference with rights of religion, speech, assembly, protest, and the Press.
One observer’s advice: talk about it; don’t do it any time soon.
It will be Americans
Creating lists? Sounds hitleresque to me. What’s next? Mark of the Beast?
Yet the liberal Democrats complain about Trump’s Muslim plan.
Stinking hypocrites!!!
do they honestly think they will freely sign up.
It is as dumb as their mayor, governor and police chief.
here is a idea. make them card caring members have them pay for registration, license fee and drug screening