We live in a time when the political has insinuated itself into so many aspects of our lives, that it’s difficult to avoid making a political statement, even in the most mundane of matters. Perhaps this is to be expected when government is allowed to get to the size it has achieved, yet the result is unhealthy. And it generates debates over matters that should be left outside the political arena.
One excellent example of an area of study that has been utterly politicized to the point of absurdity is that of climate change, or in its previous incarnation, global warming. We’re talking about physical science here, things that can be measured objectively, or which can be inferred from scientific examination and analysis.
Political discussion might be had on what, if anything, a government should do in light of the scientific findings, but those findings should be based on objective scientific study. Unfortunately, that is not what we have.
Put bluntly, the left has seized on an issue that can be used to promote globalism and increased governmental intrusion in our lives. In other words, the desired conclusion is driving the science. Which is backwards, of course.
More on page two.
It is only a pollutant when a liberal poiitician speaks.
Without it nothing grows they have no brains at all.
About 2-3 times the amount of CO2 that is typical outdoor atmospheric conditions would make the ecology thrive out of control, literally. In other words, you would have to mow the grass almost every day. True, beyond 1300-1500 ppm would be detrimental and until that is even remotely measured in the great outdoors, p**s off…
Yeah, this lie about CO2 being such a pollutant has been beffling to me for years….especially since we were always taught in agriculture that trees take in CO2, and produce oxygen as a part of the photosynthesis process …..THIS is where the Earth gets its oxygen supply, you moronic, far-left liberals! What could possibly cause such a rise in CO2? Too many humans breathing it out….too many trees being cut down?
Man-caused global warming is a liberal hoax.
The real truth is that each lie we believe, it comes with new layer of control upon our lives. With this new layer of control, comes more demands forming society, into a society of non industrialized followers.
Well said!
Doesn’t seem to be a bad thing….necessarily! We could use more trees, and bigger trees, for sure!