New Video Debunks Idea that CO2 is a ‘Pollutant’

What you eat, what you drive, what news you watch, where you go to worship — all of these are now to some degree statements of political beliefs. It would be nice to conduct at least a portion of our lives outside of the political. Yet that’s not easy to do. And in choosing to discuss the science that tries to explain what is happening to the atmosphere surrounding our Earth is to step right into the middle of one of the most acrimonious debates of our time.

The problem we have is that both side of the climate change debate claim that the science supports their position. Obviously, this is impossible. One side or the other, or perhaps both sides, are wrong on a number of issues.

Tackling just one small part of the climate change debate is a terrific task. For example, the source for this article takes the position that, contrary to the claims of those who believe climate change is real and much of it man-made, the planet is actually starved for carbon dioxide.

As part of the new Health Ranger Science effort at public education on crucial science issues of our time, I’ve just released this truly must-see video that totally debunks the false narrative of carbon dioxide as a “pollutant.”

As you’ll see explained in the video below, climate change alarmists use visual trickery and deceit to make gullible people falsely believe that CO2 is rising to unprecedented, alarming levels across our planet. In truth, CO2 is at nearly the lowest point ever recorded in the history of the planet.

In fact, using data from the NOAA and even the IPCC, it turns out that CO2 levels were as much as 15 times higher than 400 ppm in the past, and plants across the planet today are starving for CO2, the “molecule of life” for plant life across the planet (including forests, food crops and jungles).

These are serious statements. In effect, he is claiming that real scientists are lying to support a position contrary to the facts. Perhaps he is right. Those of us who are not schooled in these disciplines can have a difficult time understanding the science.

While climate change alarmists absurdly claim CO2 is a pollutant, they neglect to tell you that without CO2, we would all die of starvation because every ecosystem on the planet would almost instantly collapse. If CO2 were dropped to zero, Earth would become a barren global desert of death entirely incapable of supporting human life at all.

As long as we’re now in the debate, perhaps looking at Mr. Adams’ video might be worth your time.

Source: Talk Network



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