Journalists are the folks responsible for generating how the news is slanted. If you’re cynical however you might point out that journalists are nothing more than puppets marching to the beat of the drum set by corporate executives.
New research published last month gives cynics pessimistic perspectives new support and meaning. Neuroscientists and executive advisor, Dr. Tara Swart conducted a study on the mental resilience of journalists. The top 5 lifestyle and cognitive deficiencies of journalists are all on the next page.
Many might have speculated that the brains and lifestyle habits of journalists were a bit different from the general population.
Who hasn’t wondered sometimes if journalist sustained themselves around the clock with bologna sandwiches and kool aid? The state of media today really makes one wonder what is really going on behind the scenes in the minds of these people pushing the Russian story and alleged attempt coup against the President.
Well, the study conducted by Dr. Swart certainly provides a lot of interesting insights and disturbing revelations about the mental health of journalists today. Learn more on the next page
Everyone can have a happy life, but Loser Democrats would rather live with hate and name calling to
demean Conservative, even the President Donald Trump in a vicious name calling, it is because they
run-out of objective argument to be a decent human beings. They are bunch of pigs and the
Conservatives don’t wrestle with them because they don’t want to get dirty, and be contaminated
with their constipatid mouth which all are full of $#%&!@*.
What kind of uneducated, low I.Q. mentally retarded moron do you have to be to vote Democrat?
Most morons do trust Kim and ovomit.
Bob guess you are against lower taxes, less regulation, more jobs, lower unemployment, record markets. I am guessing you are a liberal loser living in mom basement. Must suck being you$#%&!@*wipe
Not surprised
Mad cow is barely lucid.
Hey these talking heads ain’t journalist
This man shouldn’t even report any type news
That’s not news.