Journalists are the folks responsible for generating how the news is slanted. If you’re cynical however you might point out that journalists are nothing more than puppets marching to the beat of the drum set by corporate executives.
New research published last month gives cynics pessimistic perspectives new support and meaning. Neuroscientists and executive advisor, Dr. Tara Swart conducted a study on the mental resilience of journalists. The top 5 lifestyle and cognitive deficiencies of journalists are all on the next page.
Many might have speculated that the brains and lifestyle habits of journalists were a bit different from the general population.
Who hasn’t wondered sometimes if journalist sustained themselves around the clock with bologna sandwiches and kool aid? The state of media today really makes one wonder what is really going on behind the scenes in the minds of these people pushing the Russian story and alleged attempt coup against the President.
Well, the study conducted by Dr. Swart certainly provides a lot of interesting insights and disturbing revelations about the mental health of journalists today. Learn more on the next page
De so smart
They all seemed to have passed the required fiction class..
I sure believe this.
Forgot to take your meds again?
We already know this..they have no.brains and they tattle on people who do have lives
True of all on MSNBC
It starts in childhood. When mommy drops the bay on its’ head it knocks the skull off level. (Note the slanted skull in above picture) This causes the person to grow up with a distinct left or right proclivity. For some reason it’s usually more pronounced on the left side among journalists. (Again as you can see in the above picture, the skull is slanted to the left) This physical deformity, coupled with the scrambled brain resulting from mommy dropping her, ends up causing the deformed person to have extra strong left leaning thoughts and convictions. There you have it, scientific proof, she’s nutty as a fruitcake.
Bunch of idiots
Nothing Ray..some of these idiots are just squeeky toys. ..nothing intelligent ever emerges from them..just squeeks from their parents basements about what they are owed and how badly they’re treated