Yet more evidence that flies in the face of the climate change proponents has come to light out of the United Kingdom. A new study predicts that the Earth will indeed go through a major climatic shift, but in the opposite direction as feverously espoused by our political leaders. It’s no wonder they have changed their ‘global warming’ label to ‘climate change’.
The cause of this predicted drop in global temperatures stems from a cooling phase within the Atlantic Ocean.
Gore is a moron!
You must’ve read Dark Winter, huh, you dumb sonofabitch?
Losers continue to act, say, and be losers!
Don’t click. You get f**e winner pop ups!
Global warming causes cooling..jeez is the cycle of Earth..
Old Al, has made millions from nothing!
The Earth is the only planet in our solar system that tilts back and forth and also bobs up and down.
Occasionally the poles swap end over end and then reciver to do it again. This constant change of venue causes climate variations that rotae through an obvious cycle that is historically documented. There was a mini ice age around the fifteenth century that caused trees to grow more dense wood because of the cold. Gore’s “Global Warming” concept is really Cap & Trade disguised by another name. Plants like CO2 emmissions. They consume CO2 and exhale Oxygen. Humans breath Oxygen and exhale CO2. Why would we want to cut down on CO2 emissions? So, that we can suffer from an Oxygen shortage at some time in the future. I swear – if you put politicians in charge of the Sahara Desert, At some time in the future we would have a shortage of sand on the planet.
What a dumbass
The global warming lie has made him a multi multi millionaire many times over!