Yet more evidence that flies in the face of the climate change proponents has come to light out of the United Kingdom. A new study predicts that the Earth will indeed go through a major climatic shift, but in the opposite direction as feverously espoused by our political leaders. It’s no wonder they have changed their ‘global warming’ label to ‘climate change’.
The cause of this predicted drop in global temperatures stems from a cooling phase within the Atlantic Ocean.
Because he knows they are blocking the sun with chemtrails.
Global Warming first but that didn’t happen SOOO now it’s climate change! Dem’s just keep caught up in there own$#%&!@*!!
Thanks for the entertainment
Oh my, Whoops! Egg on his face!
God has this Al!
Well said.
If they don’t know then just shut up already. What happens, happens. Not much we can do to change it.
He is still angry that his Carbon Tax Proposal failed.
So now they correct and modify the weather, and don’t want the little folk to know.
a single volcanic eruption can easily release more greenhouse gases than the entire history of the human race, we need to pour all the world’s concrete into every volcano in the world if we want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
This buffoon belongs in a padded cell.