Yet more evidence that flies in the face of the climate change proponents has come to light out of the United Kingdom. A new study predicts that the Earth will indeed go through a major climatic shift, but in the opposite direction as feverously espoused by our political leaders. It’s no wonder they have changed their ‘global warming’ label to ‘climate change’.
The cause of this predicted drop in global temperatures stems from a cooling phase within the Atlantic Ocean.
Morons. All of you. It’s cooling because of climate change. Holy s**t
Sure. We have a rubber room for all you freaks
That’s the only reason why He did it, just to Fatten up his own BANK ACCOUNT!!!!!!!
Suck it up gore
The look on the face of a dumbass
Is this the AlGore who said in 10 years the polar bears would be drowning? That was 12 years ago. They are flourishing ! How much ch did he make on that one? Did he share with Obama? We need a commission.
Almighty Gore!
An inconvenient nitwit.
It was all just a government backed money making scheme.
Charging people for their carbon footprint…really?!