Yet more evidence that flies in the face of the climate change proponents has come to light out of the United Kingdom. A new study predicts that the Earth will indeed go through a major climatic shift, but in the opposite direction as feverously espoused by our political leaders. It’s no wonder they have changed their ‘global warming’ label to ‘climate change’.
The cause of this predicted drop in global temperatures stems from a cooling phase within the Atlantic Ocean.
Liberal bullsh*t
He needs to concentrate on a REAL part-time job – He’s getting nowhere fast !!
If you want to know whats going on just follow the money.
Burns more fuel than anyone in old jet
The ice caps will be gone and both coasts will be under water by 2013! — Wait! — What!? — It’s 2016 and the ice caps are growing!? — Um,, NEVER MIND.
In the 1970s it was “the coming ice age” that was going to freeze us all out. Then they decided it was “global warming” that was going to roast us all. Now its “climate change”, because they can’t figure out what to call it to perpetuate the phony crisis.
Odd !? So far NOT ONE prediction from the climatological profits of doom has come to pass, and Al Gore has been conspicuous by his silence for the last few years. It looks like he may have “AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH” of his own to deal with. There’s far more money and politics involved here than science. If there is any man made global warming it’s because of all the money they are burning to perpetuate this farce.
Am I the only one who notices that the people who scream the loudest about “climate change” are the ones who have the biggest “carbon footprint”?
I’ve also noticed that there are fewer and fewer of the climate doomsayers leaving their comments on these pages. Just saying.
Look at him he use the product of climate change