Yet more evidence that flies in the face of the climate change proponents has come to light out of the United Kingdom. A new study predicts that the Earth will indeed go through a major climatic shift, but in the opposite direction as feverously espoused by our political leaders. It’s no wonder they have changed their ‘global warming’ label to ‘climate change’.
The cause of this predicted drop in global temperatures stems from a cooling phase within the Atlantic Ocean.
Musta been busy creating the internet.
Planetary COOLING happens after a period of Planetary WARMING !!!!!
BUT Nay-Sayers will always be NAY SAYING HATERS !!!!!
With all the money he made off global warming bs he gives nothing to charity. Another low life pos.
Didn’t you hear that he invented Global Warming to stay warm while sleeping with Tipper?!
shut up gore
my goodness he looks like he saw Geo. Washington’s ghost. you know never tell a lie. maybe the cherry tree fell on him.
Why would they call it climate change – that could go either way which puts Gore’s theory false. It is the same as the