The most dramatic election upset within anyone’s memory is over, but the debate continues, and is likely to continue for many years into the future. Historians will still be looking back at this one 100 years from now. Such was the impact of “Donald Trump defeats Hillary Clinton.”
There were so many issues attached to this campaign and election that it is difficult to know where any discussions should start. And that includes not just the positions of the candidates, which are the focus of any election, but also includes issues of potential voter fraud as well as alleged interference by foreign entities. Top that off with the WikiLeaks phenomenon and statements from the FBI that Mrs. Clinton was under investigation — and likely still is — and you have an election like no other.
When it comes to the matter of possible voter fraud, Mr. Trump has announced that he has directed that a thorough investigation be conducted by federal officials. And they might just find something as revealed on page two.
Alot more than that…….
Wes Sadler i may have missed it, but i think you left out the part that they don’t even need to show that ID at the polls to vote, other than that you have it all right .
This is way too low a figure.
Cheated and still lost
Keep calling him an illegitimate president! He’ll show you!
Listen the dems have won election for years like that. For Christ sake they use to bus load people to vote here in PA. Most people just shook there heads and walked away.
If 800,000 are being acknowledged, have to wonder how many more aren’t??
And today we are 3 billion dollars in debt, highest gas tax in the free world and people dropping like Flys from heroin od.
If you as me, that is liberal freedom at its best
Dosent shock me