New Report Reveal Obama Considered Deploying Military on Election Day

The Obama administration was preparing to potentially send out armed federal agents to polling centers, and deploy the military if any evidence emerged that hackers or any other type of fraud were to interfere with the vote of Election Day.

The 15-page playbook, produced in October, outlined the “enhanced measures” the government was prepared to take in the event of a “significant incident,” Time magazine reported Thursday, citing a copy of the document.

“In almost all potential cases of malicious cyber activity impacting election infrastructure, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, to include their law enforcement agencies, will have primary jurisdiction to respond,” it says.

Former President Obama’s response and plan for this crisis were very predictable in light of liberal politics.

He expected there to be slight Russian interference or hacking on Election Day. His plan as outlined in this Playbook was to implement a strategy to utilize this probable crisis to create at least a temporary police state or military control of the civilian populous. This leads some to theorize this is the reason the left failed to address clear data coming in leading up to Election Day that Hillary Clinton would lose the election.

The playbook coordinated the responsibilities of the different government agencies — Department of Homeland Security, Justice Department and FBI — and dictated how they would “activate enhanced procedures and allocate the resources described in their enhanced coordination procedures to coordinate incident response activities.”enforcement agents” at polling ces and deploying “Active and Reserve” military forces and the National Guard “upon a request from a federal agency and the direction of the Secretary of Defense or the President.”

The plan also called for increased vigilance for three days after the election to “address any post-election cyber incidents (e.g., planted stories calling into question the results).”

The US intelligence community concluded that the Kremlin, under the authorization of Russian President Vladimir Putin, meddled in the election to “undermine the US democratic process.”

So, was there something more sinister in the works on Election day, right? That cannot be definitely answered. But, what we do know is that Obama was prepared to deploy military on election day as the solution to the potential cyber-hacking threat.

Source: NY Post




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