The latest crack in the left’s migrant narrative has laid itself bare in Germany, one of the nations’ hit hardest by the immigration crisis.
Quietly hidden in the pages of a new Interior Ministry report is a stark conclusion reached by the report’s compilers: had the migrants currently in Germany not been able to enter, the crime rate would be roughly the same as it was in 2014.
Instead, an extra 402,701 crimes that otherwise would not have been committed have been carried out by non-German nationals and illegal aliens in the European country. Despite the small percentage they make up of the entire population, migrants account for a staggering amount of illegal acts.
These acts, mind you, are in addition to the transgressions committed when foreigners illegally enter Germany, a crime in-and-of itself. Not only this, but certain types of crime are overwhelmingly dominated by non-German offenders, with a shocking 70% of pick-pocketing incidents being attributed to foreigners.
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Coming our way people coming our way.
Germany should deport muslim”s
Time to issue shoot kill these invaders! Might need the gas chamber again! Start by public hanging of your leader for high crimes of treason!!!
Lock and load. -_-
Islam creates terrorists. It commands Muslims to “terrorize” non-believers. If you are a Muslim, you should either leave the political cult or move to a country that is ruled by Islamic Shariah Law because we don’t want it here and we can’t trust Muslims. They are allowed to lie and deceive (use taqiyya) and they are trying to take over our country and the rest of the world! Here’s proof from the mouths of their own leaders:
WOW! What a surprise! Who could’ve seen that coming?
Like roaches
Do You Get The Feeling That Merkel’s Agenda Is Over-running Her Capacity To Satisfy It ? How Little Foresight Can One Person Have.
Arm your citizens you need to form militias .