This new poll is good news for supporters of the Second Amendment, but is unlikely to have any effect on Liberal gun-grabbers. Remember: gun control is citizen control and the whole idea is opposed to the kinds of freedoms the Bill of Rights is designed to protect. Liberals know what’s good for the rest of America, no matter what the Constitution says.
Most voters oppose tougher gun control for the first time since the Connecticut elementary school shootings in December 2012.A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 40% of Likely U.S. Voters now think the United States needs stricter gun control laws, down nine points from last May and the lowest level of support for stricter laws since February 2012. Fifty-three percent (53%) do not think the country needs tougher gun control laws, the highest level of opposition in over two years.
Source: Rasmussen
Photo: Weasel Zippers
Amen to those 2nd Amendment supporters
nO Gun Control! NONE, Nada,NO!
they want gun control, then stop the black market sale of illegal guns
just teach the ones who have one to control them.
We live in the real world. The one where there’s good and bad. Look back to as far as you can go in history and you’ll see we always had wars. There were always bad people. Why does it surprise anyone today that we still have them? It’s as much a part of us as eating is. We will always have good and bad. Forever. We just have to remember to never let the bad get ahead of us.
We cannot expect the government to protect us in our homes.
“The right to bear arms” is guaranteed by our Constitution. Unfortunately, our government continually to ignore that document. I’ve always believed that the US was founded on it but now it has been “re-written” to serve their purposes.
error–should be “continues” to ignore.
most american patriots oppose it, the socialist commie freedom grabbing liberal democrats push gun control. but truthfully it isnt about guns its about control. total control.