This new poll is good news for supporters of the Second Amendment, but is unlikely to have any effect on Liberal gun-grabbers. Remember: gun control is citizen control and the whole idea is opposed to the kinds of freedoms the Bill of Rights is designed to protect. Liberals know what’s good for the rest of America, no matter what the Constitution says.
Most voters oppose tougher gun control for the first time since the Connecticut elementary school shootings in December 2012.A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 40% of Likely U.S. Voters now think the United States needs stricter gun control laws, down nine points from last May and the lowest level of support for stricter laws since February 2012. Fifty-three percent (53%) do not think the country needs tougher gun control laws, the highest level of opposition in over two years.
Source: Rasmussen
Photo: Weasel Zippers
Yes this might be a good thing ! BUT TO RELENQUISH NEVER >>> Fight is a Fight they start it we Finish it WINNERS !
Since when did libs give a c**p about “We the People”?
Nice gopher rifle in the pic 😉
you act like our government gives a $#%&!@* what the people want
American voters eat all
If our central government wishes to precipitate a bloodbath of colossal proportions it must take but two actions: [1] Attempt to create a monopoly on armed force for itself by passing more restrictive “common sense gun control laws.” [2] Pass Chuckie Schumer’s bill to allow the Congress to determine what journalists are “legitimate,” worthy of First Amendment protection. If they want to cut to the chase and get it over with quickly, all they have to do is attempt to confiscate the approximate 300 million guns in civilian hands across our fruited plain.
Because we oppose tougher criminals!
Because we oppose tougher criminals!
We don’t just oppose it. It is not going to happen. We will never obey ANY gun laws, because the Constitution and the Supreme Court says we don’t have to. We own America.