A proposed change to the Republican National Convention rules has been submitted by Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh, which would allow delegates, who are pledged to vote for Donald Trump, to invoke a “conscience clause”.
Those who have opposed Trump for the GOP presidential nominee are still fighting to keep him from becoming the candidate, by providing delegates a “way out of voting for him”.
Though governed by state primary or caucus rules, the delegates under this proposed rule change would be able to give their pledged votes to any candidate.
Unrah told The Washington Post, “This literally is an ‘Anybody but Trump’ movement. Nobody has any idea who is going to step up and be the nominee, but we’re not worried about that. We’re just doing that job to make sure that he’s not the face of our party.”
Read more about the letter and movement on the next page.
People will stop at nothing to get rid of someone they don’t want…what’s next murder, assassination….
If any military come to our shores that is not ours, we will have to view it as an invasion force, that has attacked us and is trying to over take our country, and we have the right to fight and kill all invaders to this country
Get on board or get the hell out of the way
This is ridiculous
They have the chance to be part of something great
We the people want Trump and only Trump
Go Trump
Get over it fools! Trump 2016!
Good Luck… You would have a outright revolt, from those on the “Right”.
These turn coats need to stop this petty sh**, and get on with electing the PEOPLES choice. We will remember you in the next election. If you can’ or wont support our choice get out of thr Republican Party. We don’t need you.
again to hell with what the voters want,,this UN AMERICAN$#%&!@*can go to hell
Then the Republican Party will have committed suicide !!!!!!