A proposed change to the Republican National Convention rules has been submitted by Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh, which would allow delegates, who are pledged to vote for Donald Trump, to invoke a “conscience clause”.
Those who have opposed Trump for the GOP presidential nominee are still fighting to keep him from becoming the candidate, by providing delegates a “way out of voting for him”.
Though governed by state primary or caucus rules, the delegates under this proposed rule change would be able to give their pledged votes to any candidate.
Unrah told The Washington Post, “This literally is an ‘Anybody but Trump’ movement. Nobody has any idea who is going to step up and be the nominee, but we’re not worried about that. We’re just doing that job to make sure that he’s not the face of our party.”
Read more about the letter and movement on the next page.
If trump dose not make it in to office
There will never be a republican party,,,,,,,, ?,,,,,,,why ,,,no funding
You have nailed it all,. I just hope ppl wake and vote for him, so that things can begin to roll.
America should not Stoop so low to do this to Trump. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!!! This is who we want!!!!
We have already lost all respect around the world because of what the last few Presidents have done!!! THAT IS “WHY” WE WANT TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!
Support trump save America
Keep the TRUMP TRAIN going! I know all this c**p is wearing on but together we are stronger and they know it!
Didn’t the delegates sign a pledge for their state? And states, if they cannot perform their duties as a state delegate, they resign, and an alternate takes their place.
TRUMP will WIN Because the AMERICAN people are sick to death of the corruption! You days are number all you corrupt and evil politicians!!!! Start looking for new jobs!!!!
I agree. Trump is the only one I will vote for. I will suffer 4 years of Hillary before voting for one of the Republican chosen ones. TRUMP WON THE PRIMARY.
Their all against the american people, by the way they Treat his man, keep running scared, come November you’ll be voted out, our Government is for the people of the people, you obozo and you’re muslum brotherhood are soon to be ancient history on american soil.