A proposed change to the Republican National Convention rules has been submitted by Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh, which would allow delegates, who are pledged to vote for Donald Trump, to invoke a “conscience clause”.
Those who have opposed Trump for the GOP presidential nominee are still fighting to keep him from becoming the candidate, by providing delegates a “way out of voting for him”.
Though governed by state primary or caucus rules, the delegates under this proposed rule change would be able to give their pledged votes to any candidate.
Unrah told The Washington Post, “This literally is an ‘Anybody but Trump’ movement. Nobody has any idea who is going to step up and be the nominee, but we’re not worried about that. We’re just doing that job to make sure that he’s not the face of our party.”
Read more about the letter and movement on the next page.
New? This isn’t new. They have been repeating this story over and over again for the past 6 months.
I hope they do change against Trump. I will vote Independant in a heartbeat and they will have destroyed the Republican Party forever! You can thank them for the new Supreme Court Judge also. If they do not back the man the people has asked for, there will be NO Republican Party left. All those Reps and Senators will lose to DUMBocrats. But if that is what they want, I want no part of them!
Reince Preibus and the rest of the GOP RINO’S are interested in nothing more than their own power, privilege, and position. Trump is beholden to none of them. The people have demonstrated they want this lame$#%&!@* spineless party as it is now, blown to hell. If these gutless wonders had fought against the Democrats, half as hard as they fought Trump, this country wouldn’t be in the mess it finds itself. They will preserve their own self-interest at the expense of giving us Hillary.
Get over it! The rules are not going to change. The RNC already stated that there will no change in the rules.
I hope for all our sakes, you are right. Time will tell my friend… If they do, it’s over for them all! Kind of like Political Suicide…
How dare they the people have spoken
Now you know why the POS TRAITOR Paul Ryan said the delegates should ‘vote their conscience.’
The RINOS need to leave Trump alone. After he is elected, have they ever heard of paybacks?
It would be epic for Mr. Trump to win by a write in vote… Then, the US people could have a President free from any political favors to his party… 🙂
AMERICA WANTS TRUMP….Make America Safe Again