Of all the theories and speculations regarding the Barak and Michelle Obama, few are more astonishing than the one put forward by the late Joan Rivers where she said that, “‘ everyone knows’ Barack Obama is gay and Michele Obama is a transexual.”
This theory has been circulating for some time and was covered here previously in the following piece:
And here we thought that Hollywood was universally supportive of the Obamas.
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Edifon Oj Adiakpan yes, also the 98 million they spent on vacations alone. How about the millions spent on their new homes or the millions found in there daughters bank accounts. No, Edifon, John the Baptist was on fire as Jesus took up His position. what you say to me you also say to him that lives in me. Our Lord Jesus turned his back on the Pharisees and the Romans and God the Father built and created Hell for reasons out of his perfect control, allowing us a free will, just like the times right now. You call out the Political system as if it is a way to excuse Sin or God out of the worlds realm. Shame on you. This is Denial of the Holy Spirit you are portraying. Politics is an awesome arena for our Lords works. Thank you Holy Spirit. Amen
There’s only one set of balls in the obama family and Michael his manwife sports them
Barry is obviously the bottom in that relationship, fits with what a lil butch he is
People are too cruel.
U go Katherine Mckibben!
Those uninformed retards are still drinking the goat humpers kool aid!
Mike played linebacker in college.
This is pointless c**p. They have children. I don’t like them, but this is petty and pointless.
Wonder if the girls know Mom is really a man and Dad a gay Muslim