Barack Obama clearly hates business and private enterprise. His Marxist orientation informs his policies, and because he believes he is an omnipotent prince, he believes he is subject neither to democratic principles nor to economic laws. That is why with the stroke of a pen he can make law and decree sweeping mandates. It does not matter to him that his decrees will destroy businesses and throw workers into the streets. It is about politics, destroying the foundation of private enterprise, and bringing this nation to its knees.
It is seen in his effort to destroy the hydrocarbon industry. He is oblivious to the fact that millions of workers will lose their jobs, that billion dollar companies will be bankrupted, and that hundreds of millions of citizens will have their energy prices double, triple or more. People will literally die because they cannot afford to pay for heat, air conditioning, or the power to keep life saving equipment running, but to Obama, this is nothing. He has decreed the mandate for renewable energy, and he must be obeyed.
In a smaller activity, he has decreed that the federal minimum wage must more than double. It does not matter to Obama that thousands of businesses will close, millions of young workers will lose their jobs, millions more will never have the chance to get their first minimum wage job because they will not be worth the cost. Wendy’s restaurants, for example, has just decreed that they will be installing self serve order kiosks and eliminate the vast majority of workers. Obama is willing to do this to punish business and to ensure “income equality” which means young workers will have no jobs and will live off the government dole, but at “equal” wages.
Now Obama and the labor department have made a new rule designed to destroy businesses and to harm workers. They had no right to this, but once again a new policy has appeared in the form of a royal decree, with no relation to common sense or the laws of economics.
See new Obama and Labor Department policy on page 2:
Honestly I can’t think of anything Conservatives are good at unless you count wars they don’t pay for and tax giveaways to the wealthy. They can’t even pass a jobs bill for Veterans.
We have specifics. ..I just don’t have time to list all of them….but let’s just start with trading a deserter for 5 terrorists, and aiding and giving comfort. .ie arms and ammunition to our enemy. ..namely isis. Thats treason. Deal with it…
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don’t have time to justify my lies! Kinda stupid. A) Bush released 520 Gitmo detainees for nothing because we couldn’t keep, charge or convict them. So smart move to get an American back. B) We have always armed everyone in the Middle East (try finding anyone we haven’t armed at one time or another) C) Treason is outing an active CIA agent to lie our country into war(political) D) Bush paid terrorists for two Americans, one was killed. Your ignorance and hypocrisy makes you look foolish. Obama made your party his$#%&!@*that’s what makes you so sore, deal with that!
No Jason, it’s because they’re too many things to name. Put the kool-aid down and breathe…
Yet you can’t name a single legitimate one. Not one, the claim only calls for one that he can be charged with and you can’t even do that. Bush could have been jailed for spying on Americans or torture. While Cheney could have been convicted of outing an active CIA agent and you guys can’t come up with one. Not only is it pathetic, it proves you really don’t care about treason. I guess the lesson here is that we don’t arrest Presidents off your pissy$#%&!@*fragile feelings.
Another day, another obama idea. The king stays busy…
I’m tired of people saying all this$#%&!@*he is signing is law. Really, people, read the description of his office. He is nothing but a glorified paper pusher. If it hasn’t gone and passed through congress, then it is nothing but toilet paper. Pull your heads out of your asses. He is nothing but a snake oil salesman.
Another illegal mandate !
Let me clear this up for you people. Republicans/Conservatives have done absolutely nothing in seven in a half years. They put party above country and lost. You guys are mad that Obama proved you can successfully run a country without you’re entire party. You’re mad, I get that. But doubling down on stupid without a record to run on is insane. Accusing a President of a high crime because you’re useless and unnecessary is silly, try coming up with a legitimate direction to take the country instead.
A Complete Fool ! A Stuffed Shirt ! A Faux Intellectual ! A Traitor !