Barack Obama clearly hates business and private enterprise. His Marxist orientation informs his policies, and because he believes he is an omnipotent prince, he believes he is subject neither to democratic principles nor to economic laws. That is why with the stroke of a pen he can make law and decree sweeping mandates. It does not matter to him that his decrees will destroy businesses and throw workers into the streets. It is about politics, destroying the foundation of private enterprise, and bringing this nation to its knees.
It is seen in his effort to destroy the hydrocarbon industry. He is oblivious to the fact that millions of workers will lose their jobs, that billion dollar companies will be bankrupted, and that hundreds of millions of citizens will have their energy prices double, triple or more. People will literally die because they cannot afford to pay for heat, air conditioning, or the power to keep life saving equipment running, but to Obama, this is nothing. He has decreed the mandate for renewable energy, and he must be obeyed.
In a smaller activity, he has decreed that the federal minimum wage must more than double. It does not matter to Obama that thousands of businesses will close, millions of young workers will lose their jobs, millions more will never have the chance to get their first minimum wage job because they will not be worth the cost. Wendy’s restaurants, for example, has just decreed that they will be installing self serve order kiosks and eliminate the vast majority of workers. Obama is willing to do this to punish business and to ensure “income equality” which means young workers will have no jobs and will live off the government dole, but at “equal” wages.
Now Obama and the labor department have made a new rule designed to destroy businesses and to harm workers. They had no right to this, but once again a new policy has appeared in the form of a royal decree, with no relation to common sense or the laws of economics.
See new Obama and Labor Department policy on page 2:
No it didn’t. Clearly you people have never listened to an economist.
My first management job was a set amount per year. The jump you make to leave being a worker to rise as high as you want to go. You know going in it’s a way to show what you can do. What happened to work hard for what you earn. Mr. Obama, worry about helping the economy, not ruining it.
What is it
Impeachment and then arrest him
This bum.
Did you bump your head
Big corporations are showing record profits by off shoring their operations, everything that is legislated by house and senate benefits business at expense of working people. While the federal reserve makes sure the central banks and wall street remain profitable nobody looks out for interests of working class. Why is the prosperity of this country tied to limiting wages of private sector while we bear the brunt of cost of living increases and inflation driven by debt of federal reserve. Wake up people this debt driven system is a scam for the benefit of wealthy elite on the backs of struggling working class!!!!!!
Still waiting for Obama to do something good for America. So far he has been a self-serving ego maniac.
Pretty much says it all doesn’t it.
Tail spin to Mexico or China