Barack Obama clearly hates business and private enterprise. His Marxist orientation informs his policies, and because he believes he is an omnipotent prince, he believes he is subject neither to democratic principles nor to economic laws. That is why with the stroke of a pen he can make law and decree sweeping mandates. It does not matter to him that his decrees will destroy businesses and throw workers into the streets. It is about politics, destroying the foundation of private enterprise, and bringing this nation to its knees.
It is seen in his effort to destroy the hydrocarbon industry. He is oblivious to the fact that millions of workers will lose their jobs, that billion dollar companies will be bankrupted, and that hundreds of millions of citizens will have their energy prices double, triple or more. People will literally die because they cannot afford to pay for heat, air conditioning, or the power to keep life saving equipment running, but to Obama, this is nothing. He has decreed the mandate for renewable energy, and he must be obeyed.
In a smaller activity, he has decreed that the federal minimum wage must more than double. It does not matter to Obama that thousands of businesses will close, millions of young workers will lose their jobs, millions more will never have the chance to get their first minimum wage job because they will not be worth the cost. Wendy’s restaurants, for example, has just decreed that they will be installing self serve order kiosks and eliminate the vast majority of workers. Obama is willing to do this to punish business and to ensure “income equality” which means young workers will have no jobs and will live off the government dole, but at “equal” wages.
Now Obama and the labor department have made a new rule designed to destroy businesses and to harm workers. They had no right to this, but once again a new policy has appeared in the form of a royal decree, with no relation to common sense or the laws of economics.
See new Obama and Labor Department policy on page 2:
Obama is sneeky and ruthless with Americans.
Get the bastard out
Sofia V Byrne that’s because white people no longer protest or stand up for their rights. They sit back and allow the government to do whatever they fit. They’re so used to us not fighting back they take advantage of the people. They scare you using the Koran, Muslim intimidation, fear, deciept, Lies, trickery, etc. a Muslim communist government stealing all they can for power over the U.S. If we keep sitting back they will take all we are and have. Another$#%&!@*
Trying to close it down !
Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government and many other countries. Obama’s war in the Middle East is caused to spread Muslims into our countries. This is World War Three, Muslims dominating the world. Our government and Congress etc are all paid off by Muslim Brotherhood for takeover of this world. Not hard to see if you really look. It’s a Hitter Stalin communist movement. Things are going to get a lot worse, Hillary is bought and paid by Muslim Brotherhood the Middle East. Obama is the AntiChrist, Hillary Beast, Pope Beast. They are all in it together, the greatest takedown ever in history. That’s why Christians and Jews are being procecuted around the world. They can’t complete their job unless they conquer us. Obama is right now with the UN planning a defeat of Israel. That’s the next step. Meanwhile no country government is stopping Muslim intimidation on their people they are pandering to them. We will be conquered by Muslim Brotherhood if Americans don’t revolt. Everything that has happened up to now fits biblical profesy. Once the economy is totally busted near future, chips are going to be implanted by Drs, Hospitals. No food, electricity, Obama has complete power given to him by our Muslim bought and paid off Brotherhood That is why no one in government is stopping Obama they are are all in on it. Get the picture, the truth. Clergy
Impeach this piece if$#%&!@*
Pure evil !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How simple-minded are the actual American people what he is implementing unjustly cannot be wiped out in one day it might take you a couple of generations to fix what you’re allowing him to do you need to put your foot down America real quick it just don’t come right back it takes time
He must be stopped by all means….