The store in question is called the Mayhill Convenience Store in Mayhill (who would have guessed!), New Mexico. Among signs calling for Obama’s death there are signs targeting Hillary Clinton and Colin Kaepernick.
A former employee at the store told Albuquerque station KOB that the owner of the shop tells passersby to stop and read the signs on display. Some signs compared Obama to toilet paper, and one read “Obama loves the USA like O.J. Simpson loved Nicole.”
Another reads, “Russia has a leader, Al Qaida has a leader. Where the hell is ours?”
KOB reported the store is currently up for sale for $359,000.
Members of the community have taken to Facebook to condemn the store’s owner and demand he remove the signs.
Okay, so the O.J. Simpson jab is kind of funny. However, there are certainly worse signs and bumper stickers created by worse people. If annoying celebrities like Rosie O’Donnell and Robert DeNiro can say they want to murder Trump or tell people his kid has autism, why are a few signs outside of a store so offensive? If you don’t like it, don’t shop there. It’s really that simple.
Wow, is the owner of Mayhill convenience store even being investigated by the @SecretService ? Note sign" Kill #Obama-care- #NewMexico @FBI
— Vivian (@VivNed23) December 30, 2016
Stand fast! Don’t buckle! You will get more business from your sign than you will lose!
I love that store owner
If they allow things like this targeting Trump…..Then Obama is fair game too.