New Manafort Indictments Implicate Podesta and Hillary as Well

Yes, it stinks to High Heaven.  Yes, it’s rotting from the head down.  And yes, we can easily see the corruption…it’s as transparent as Obama’s hatred for America.  But, it is also excused in normal, everyday Washington Swamp circles.  And that’s the rub here.  With Mueller’s inadequacy in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, he has taken out his frustrations on others in the Swamp who have been plying their trade for many, many decades.  None of this is new or shocking…at least, not to Washingtonians.  They’ve known about these dealings since their inception.

The draining of the Swamp is taking place, of its own volition!

If it isn’t clear yet, let me put it in broad, plain terms.  Trump and the American people did one thing and one thing only to begin this process and that was his election to the presidency.  Nowhere is there any indication that the mechanism of draining the Swamp has been initiated by Trump other than that.  The Left and the Right in Washington have done everything in their power to stop him in his march toward this end.  Trump has barely gotten a single agenda item passed and what he has passed have been through painstaking means, three-steps-forward-and-two-steps-back methodology in full exposure.

How many of his official capacity appointments have been stalled?  How many of the RINO Establishmentariat members have voted against his agenda items…even the ones that they themselves ran on in their campaigns?  How many of the FNIC stories have focused on Trump being illegitimate?

In other words, the draining of the Swamp has occurred because the corrupt on Capitol Hill EAT THEIR OWN!  We are witnessing the acceleration of a cannibalization of the Establishmentariat Swampland where every disgusting and dishonest denizen of the Deep State is turning on the other.  These people are beginning to slit their neighbor’s throat in an effort to save their own skins.

In the words of Rush Limbaugh, “This is what Draining the Swamp looks like!”

Source:  ZeroHedge



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