A New Jersey woman is facing a $1,000 dollar fine for harboring wild animals, or at least that’s what the courts are calling it. Maria Vaccarella, a resident of Howell, NJ, took in two baby squirrels after their mother had abandoned them on her property this summer.
She found them all alone and vulnerable to hungry predators. She wasn’t looking for pet squirrels, nor did she intend to purposefully break the law. Out of the kindness of her heart, she took the two baby squirrels into her home and nursed them back to health, fully intending on returning them back to the wild once they were strong enough.
Despite her good intentions, two officers showed up at her door.
Read more about this on the next page.
This is a clear case of goverment exstorting money from the people and using police to inforce it. I bet this lady is not rich $1000.00 is a lot for her to pay for having a kind heart. The system is out of control and this shows how sick in the mind our elected leaders are.
We do it all the time ty for ur help
Tari Yates write a letter
Oh, brother!
So set up a fund to pay her fines
It is because Ted Cruz and his wife are in favor of the North American Union (google it) The north American Union is a plan to MELT Canada, Mexico and The United States into one large Country called the North American Union. This would do away with the United States. Cruz does not need an American Flag, because he will be doing away withA
How idiotic!!
Quit posting stuff on Facebook and they would of never known about it that should be the lesson.