The anti-gun crowd’s implacable opposition to firearms is reaching such levels that it is willing to jeopardize the safety of American servicemen over the matter.
As a senior Army arsenal worker and officer with the branch’s Individual Weapons and Small Arms program, Lt. Col. Terry S. Russell has handled his fair share of guns before. In fact, he interacts with firearms more in a single day than some people – i.e. anti-Second Amendment liberals – ever will in their entire lives.
Granted a Top Secret clearance by his superiors due to the sensitive nature of his work, it is no wonder that Lt. Col. Russell has to take extra precautions to defend himself from terrorists and other potential threats. To that end, he sought a concealed carry permit so he could have access to the most reliable form of defense: his own.
But instead of being granted this reasonable request, New Jersey authorities denied his application for the simple reason that others might seek to do the same thing.
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Carry anyway….he has the right to protect his own life and or the life of others.
Crispy cream Christie at your service..
Just carry anyway lmao why people ask permission for a right is beyond me
Sharlene, you’re a moron! If you don’t like guns, move your$#%&!@*to a country where firearms are banned and see how you like it. Libtards like you are the biggest threat to American freedom! The second amendment is what guarantees the rest of our constitutional rights. Are you too stupid to see the proof that the most armed cities in America have the lowest crime rates, while cities with the highest gun control laws have the highest crime? Detroit and Chicago are prime examples of this while cities like Amarillo have almost no crime comparatively. Amarillo has the highest per-capita gun ownership in the country. But I’m sure the flourinated water you’ve been drinking and the liberal propaganda you hear on the evening news will cause you to deny proven facts because that’s what the government wants of you. Baa baa liberal sheeple!
Sharlene DeGrossa Yes they are a Right – You are wrong. You have a Right to say what you think, and have. We hope you got that off your chest. BTW Who appointed you God(dess) and of what? We are sure that your moral superiority supercedes that of ours to defend you should a bad situation befall you. Thanks for sharing your name and photo. We’ll keep them both close to heart along with our Rights.
Tevyn Shoffner
It is the people that shoot the get real!!!!!
Such stupidity !
No one gets a CWP in Californica unless you know someone in very high places…