Hillary Clinton is getting desperate. She is unlikable, uninspiring, and mistrusted. Her mantra at campaign rallies is “I will fight for you,” but it is clear she is only interested in herself. Even her sham marriage to Bill Clinton and her disinterest in his sexual dalliances throughout their marriage is explainable because he represented her access to the presidency, her ultimate desired prize. Her dishonesty is well known, and the many scams that she has survived may finally be catching up with her. And her hypocrisy is on full display as she struggles to overcome the quixotic campaign of crazy uncle Bernie and his preposterous Marxist medicine show.
As Hillary works to put Bernie back in the box of irrelevancy, she must also target Donald Trump and try to tar him in the same way she has done with other opponents and critics. But this time it does not seem to be working. Her shtick is well known, and it is tired and fake. The latest is an effort to call Trump greedy and a money grubber, which is a laughable accusation from someone who has spent the last few years demanding millions of dollars from Wall Street and foreign donors in exchange for phony, pandering speeches that Clinton refuses to let the public hear.
Clinton’s charges against Trump turn into an embarrassing revelation about the Clintons on page 2:
More lies dont make her any better of a candidate than her advisary’s brass tact comments make him a smooth talker.
Absolutely backasswards! It was “democrat” senators who literally caused it. Hitlary is well-read in the Marxist Playbook.
Brian Brad December you do know that 711 is the fire station right near the twin towers
Actually, according to fact checking she did: Hillary Clinton says she called for Wall Street regulations early in the financial crisis
“Clinton began addressing the subprime mortgage issue in her appearances in March 2007. Later that year, she took on derivatives. She also proposed specific plans for solving these problems and increasing oversight of financial institutions.
Her statement is accurate, and we rate her claim True.”
But Bill Clinton made it happen.
Why,so warren can get richer again
But we all know Hillary is a big liar. She can’t tell the truth. She doesn’t know or care about truth.
Like I said 2016 is about career politians that talk the talk and …. do not… repeat… do not walk the walk. I do not care what spell checker or whatever says. I care more what these politians actually do in office.
You let Americans die killary, risked and exposed classified emails, accept funding from countries who stone women death and defended a rapist then laughed when you got him off all the while claiming to be a women’s activist, you lie, you cheat & you steal…short of voter fraud you will never be president