In a video segment that will feel like de-ja-vu from 2008–in the months leading up to Obama being elected, reporter Jesse Waters took to the streets of New Hampshire to talk to the Bernie Sanders supporters. Waters questioned a variety of people claiming to be Sanders supporters, asking why they are voting for him. What happens is a flashback to the Obama supporters, unable to utter any cohesive reason why its Sanders for them.
But just as importantly, watch what these voters know about Sanders’ socialist ideology. You’ll want to laugh at the video, but it’s really just too chilling…
Speak for millions of others you mean…….EXACTLY!
as for their and your claims, you have no actual basis or evidence for your claims of your god therefore the only rational conclusion is that your rights come simply from the laws of which man has put in place. Which by the way can just as easily be taken away by man in turn.
They can be taken away by men without a doubt under immoral principals. Let me enlighten you with a couple of excerpts from a couple of founding fathers: Ben Franklin: ” let me add, that only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters. John Adams: “our cons$#%&!@*ution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”. You sir can explain away anything with so called higher learning and socialist propaganda and whatever phiolsopy you embrace but you cannot explain away the great experiment that has benefited the whole world even with its faults. I’d rather be here than in china or Afghanistan (and I was there) or Lebanon. And I gather that you are an atheist from your comments.So You sir have no basis or evidence for my claims of my God.
of course not. diversity is the very core of this country regardless if belief in fantasy. The finality of religion and atheism is besides the point though. god has no place in the governance of this nation nor any of the services it supplies.
The fact still stands that the only way to achieve a prosperous nation is to ensure that even the least of us can do just that. It behooves you and the entirety of society for them to share more in the wealth of this VERY wealthy nation. No one who works a full time job should live below the poverty level. If that means that the insanely rich are only extremely rich than so be it. Allowing for so much wealth to so few hands has created an oligarchy that has bought and paid for our government officials on all levels. surely you would not disagree with this. When you alow greed to gro to such an extend there is no other outcome than for it to use such money and power to control the system therefore making said system invalid which takes our rights at a citizens away.
You are so afraid of government taking control when in fact they ultimately are answerable to we the people but when you allow what we have for industry to consume our one source of social control, you have an aforementioned oligarchy that is answerable to no man controlling the government and in tern also controlling you and I. Pay all a decent living, invest in healthcare and education to make an informed, healthy population and they have far more to offer society and themselves. It gives them something to fight FOR.
It is our duty as Citizens of this nation to leave it better than it was when we came into it. It behooves us to give our children and our citizens on all levels the tools they need to succeed.
Your ideology gives these plutocrats exactly what they want. an ignorant, poor, scared population dependent on them who are easily manipulated instead of a prosperous, intelligent, educated, healthy nation with power and options.
He wears dependz
Read the declaration of independence. Or have you and forgotten? It is not up to government as to the ends of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is absolutely up to the individual to determine that end.Do you pursue the almighty dollar or do you pursue a simpler life? Do you allow someone else to make your life through immoral ” en$#%&!@*lements” mandated by a corrupt government? I can agree with you on certain points such as corrupt government officials and greed. This is the point that I was making by citing Franklin and Adams.I don’t disagree with you at all about our corrupt government.
My ideaolgy is freedom as we were guaranteed by our bill of rights
Really man. Its not complicated
We are a sovreign nation with everybody coming from everywhere but if we are to stand as an independent nation we cannot embrace this leftist notion of multi – culturalism because it will obviously divide us rather than uniting us as a sovereign nation.
no, if you haven’t noticed because you most likely haven’t read what i’ve said in full and would rather make your own conclusions. Atheists are just as wrong as you are. agnosticism is the only logical conclusion to matters of theology. There is no proof to either claims so the answer of “i don’t know” is the only logical conclusion. though just like every other religion, your own has just as much validity as all of the other. Which is to say that it has none. In time your religion will be viewed like the greek pantheon as the fancies of man with something else to take it’s place.
Capitalism has it’s uses which is why democratic socialism harness’ the best aspects of a free but regulated enterprise.
Here’s a simple explanation of our current system.
This is the simplest of logic. To have a strong economy you must have a strong middle cl$#%&!@*. History has proven this time and again. Your side of the national argument learned NOTHING from our greatest president, Theodore Roosevent’s *a republican no less* time. In his day, much like today, we the people and our government was owned by the rich few. The lion fought for the american people and wrested control of the system back to the american people. Then again we faced the very same problem with the plutocrats of america usurped control from the people and it’s governing body and brought about the great depression. only through the industrial rebuilding and exacting minimum wage did we manage to create the GREATEST ECONOMY AND MIDDLE CL$#%&!@* IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!
Your obtuse nature is all that is wrong with this nation. Perhaps if people like you picked up a book other than a thousands of year old fantasy novel this nation would do a great deal better.
Oh and by the way i find it both laughable and sad that “good” christian people like you are the most fervent in fighting to do the will of jesus. Jesus was an utter socialist that knew that greed was the root of all evil. Did he not command you as his follower to help and love your fellow man? instead you tout that it’s not your problem and that they are all on their own. Your own god would strike you down long before he would liberal atheists. Then again this is to be expected of people who believe in magic and cherry pick their ideals from a book they do not truly know.