In a video segment that will feel like de-ja-vu from 2008–in the months leading up to Obama being elected, reporter Jesse Waters took to the streets of New Hampshire to talk to the Bernie Sanders supporters. Waters questioned a variety of people claiming to be Sanders supporters, asking why they are voting for him. What happens is a flashback to the Obama supporters, unable to utter any cohesive reason why its Sanders for them.
But just as importantly, watch what these voters know about Sanders’ socialist ideology. You’ll want to laugh at the video, but it’s really just too chilling…
Allan Davis, I wish I knew what you are trying to say here, but it sounds like you just elaborated on what I said, thank you.
This guy’s got “chester” written all over his face. Wouldn’t let a kid within 50 yards of this lunatic.
Bobby Allen, 40% of the american work force makes less than ten dollars an hour. This is well below the national poverty line which means that demand for jobs is low because the demand for goods is low. With 70% of tax revenue coming from consumerism that means the government budget has to be, the problem with that is that we end up making cuts in things that matter like education and infrastructure. one tenth of one percent of america owns more wealth than the bottom ninety percent. This is because we have no form of regulation to ensure that corporate america offers a fair wage to their employees which in turn leaves the vast majority of americans exploited for the profit margins of the super rich. Look to the enactment of minimum wage and into the fifties when we had the greatest economy in known history. You cannot have a strong middle cl$#%&!@* without an industry that invests in it’s employees. This is not a problem of government doing to much but of a government that is bought and paid for by private interests to ensure their monopoly of the economy stays in hold.
Our schools are leaving the christian god out of public schools because they are exactly that, PUBLIC schools. We are not, nor have we EVER been a christian nation and we have very clear rules for separation between church and state. public schools are part of the government system and therefore your religious beliefs have no place in a public service that is for ALL of our citizens. this includes those of other faiths or none at all.
If you doubt my comments on this not being a christians nations, you have but to look to ANY quote from the founding fathers on their ideals of religion having anything to do with the system and then come back to talk to me.
You’re actually right about communism and to some extent, socialism being systems in which the people work for the system BUT what you so obtusely fail to comprehend is that democratic socialism *which is actually the form of government we have had since the aftermath of world war two* is a government as a tool for which the people use to better the lives of all it’s citizens. they build roads, regulate the economy to ensure exploitation is combated, provide heathcare and education so that the population can better THEMSELVES. It gives the people the tools they need to prosper, not hand out money and rainbows to people unwilling to strive for success.
Your ideology shoots us all in the foot. If i am so wrong than why are countries who have effective democratic socialized forms of governance to so much better than we do in almost every aspect? why is it that EVERY time we have raised minimum wage our economy has become stronger until big business inflated it so that they could have far more money than they could ever possibly use? Why EVERY time we have been our strongest in this nation, the lowest common denominator in our society made enough money at ONE job to live a modest yet decent living?
People like you are ignorant to history and in many cases reality. When faced with clear, basic logic your cognitive dissidence is so strong that you move from the realm of ignorance to outright stupidity. If i must explain the difference between the two than you are only proving my point.
Also your rights do not come from some theological deity. They come from men. men who had the forethought to make sure people like you could not use your dogmatic beliefs to subvert the freedom of all american citizens.
Let me ask you something genius: if ” democratic socialized” governments forms of governance do so much better than the US why are people clamoring to get here to make that 10.00 an hour wage? Your eaten up with the lie buddy. Your evidently a lover of big government and I won’t argue with you. That’s your problem not mine.
not enough difference to debate, they both are communism , one is there and the other one will lead you there! eather way you lose!
He is a communist that’s all I need to know he is toxic!!!
And just to set the record straight if you’ll remember our founding fathers believed as do I and millions of others our rights do come from the almighty not men. This is the #1 point where you have failed in all your rhetoric to try and persuade me to think as you do. This is typical and predictable of ” progressive” thinking
the founding fathers for the most part were indeed christians BUT you fail to know that christianity of the time was vastly difference than it is today. Most of the founding fathers were deists. They believed in god but none of the supernatural aspects of the bible or that god has sway in our day to day lives.
The vast majority of people who immigrate to this country are from countries far less prosperous than our own,*which your conservative comrades have bemoaned and made a m$#%&!@*ive issue where they actually isn’t one, last i checked it clearly says “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled m$#%&!@*es yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! “* of course they would wish to move to america. the % of those who come from nations i’ve mentioned is relatively small. The closest you are going to get on that spectrum are british but they are very comparable to our own government and economy. Which actually have been causing them a great deal of trouble as they adopt more of our mindset. since they are given more leeway to industry it has hurt their infrastructure and middle cl$#%&!@* while the rich of the nation has prospered.
Your argument is weak and quite frankly childish.
You are a genius
There were deists and there were conservative Christians as well. There was quite the mix of brilliant people who came together to form this great nation. Will you deny that?