In a video segment that will feel like de-ja-vu from 2008–in the months leading up to Obama being elected, reporter Jesse Waters took to the streets of New Hampshire to talk to the Bernie Sanders supporters. Waters questioned a variety of people claiming to be Sanders supporters, asking why they are voting for him. What happens is a flashback to the Obama supporters, unable to utter any cohesive reason why its Sanders for them.
But just as importantly, watch what these voters know about Sanders’ socialist ideology. You’ll want to laugh at the video, but it’s really just too chilling…
actually he is a democratic socialist which is completely different. we actually already live in a democratic socialized nation only we do it all wrong.
It has worked for almost every other major nation in the world and their people are thriving. They are smarter, healthier and happier than we are by vast majorities.
no, he’s a democratic socialist, which is fundamentally different from socialism itself. pick up a book, you might learn something
democratic socialist. not only is a socialist completely different from a democratic socialist but a communist is completely different from the other two. i suggest you pick up a book and educate yourself before you make ignorant comments with no basis in facts or reality
yes, an elitist who grew up poor, lives off his government salary, doesn’t take money from private interests and have a decades long record of working for the betterment of the peoples will…
Really? Why don’t you explain to me why so many people are supposedly dependent on government? Why don’t you explain to me why this regime is so hell bent on the”redistribution of wealth” which is a mantra that the Bolsheviks were touting in 1917 Russia? Why don’t you explain to me why our schools are using common core and leaving God out of our culture. Before you start calling people ignorant to make yourself sound like some sort of savy intellectual maybe you ought to look into other writings other than some drivel written by “progressive” authors.
Without trying to be too complicated for you buddy boy socialism/communism is the people working for the state rather than the state working for the people. I don’t know about you but my rights come from the almighty not the corrupt government. I’ll choose my freedom over the so called security of the stinkinkin state.
Again, how is the trickle down economics, shady trade deals, and outsourcing jobs working? Oh wait.. it isn’t..
What Liberals know about any of the people they have under their Democrat banner is shocking.
says a whole group who have no idea what the difference between democratic socialism, socialism and communism are.
Maybe if conservatives picked up more books than the bible they would understand something of reality
But Paul… ‘Murica!