In a video segment that will feel like de-ja-vu from 2008–in the months leading up to Obama being elected, reporter Jesse Waters took to the streets of New Hampshire to talk to the Bernie Sanders supporters. Waters questioned a variety of people claiming to be Sanders supporters, asking why they are voting for him. What happens is a flashback to the Obama supporters, unable to utter any cohesive reason why its Sanders for them.
But just as importantly, watch what these voters know about Sanders’ socialist ideology. You’ll want to laugh at the video, but it’s really just too chilling…
It’s funny how the liberal low information voters want to take guns away from law abiding citizens, as if that will solve anything, yet they don’t want to deport the illegal felons and criminals, or prevent them from being able to get guns in the first place; and you don’t want to prevent a terrorist organisation that supports ISIS from getting ICBM nukes.
If it’s ideas are good does that mean you agree with socialist policies?
The media should cover Hillary Clinton in the crime section, and Bernie Sanders in a section for humor. Donald Trump is just getting warmed up! Donald Trump is polling #1 in the nation, and should absolutely be the GOP nominee. I’ve read several of Donald Trump’s books, and they’re excellent. Donald Trump is an international business man, who negotiates for a living. Stupid people don’t understand that. He employs tens of thousands of Americans, and pumps billions of dollars into our economy. Donald’s tax plan is going to triple most people’s disposable income, and be simply life changing for many. Okay, I’ll admit that Donald has a big ego, but to me, his self confidence and straight talk is exactly what we need in Washington. Can you even imagine a guy like that accepting a bad deal from another country, like Iran, or letting a political group or lobby push him around? It’s just not going to happen. We all know that Donald knows exactly how to use the system in order to get what he wants. Wouldn’t you just love to see him with the power of the United States Government behind him, negotiatiating on our behalf? He says that he will get Mexico to pay for a wall along our southern border, and there’s no reason to doubt him. I can see him organizing huge infrastructure programs, building roads and bridges, and putting hundreds of thousands of Americans back to work in every state. He could replace Obamacare with a program which actually works, and negotiate with healthcare providers to not only keep the costs down, but which would also save Social Security and Medicare in the process. Or… we could elect Hillary Clinton, and end up bankrupt like Greece. The choice seems pretty obvious to me. A loudmouth financial genius, or Bill Clinton’s lying, horrible shrew of a wife. And since they’ve already found 5 cl$#%&!@*ified do$#%&!@*ents on Hillary’s server, and Hillary’s been subpoenaed to testify in front of the RICOH committee in January, she may be finished anyway. I’m proud to say that I’m voting for Donald Trump, and I hope you’ll join us in making America great again. ☆TRUMP 2016☆#MakeAmericaGreatAgain
If Satan was on the Democratic ticket 47% would vote for him. Oh wait they already did TWICE. SMFH
Socialism looks good on paper but it won’t and never has worked. Eventually they run out of other people’s money.
This jerk openly admits to being a socialist. Why would sane people vote for him?
Also socialism would only work if it were only temporary.
well Bernie has the polices which were said for years by Obama/Warren but now people are listening. BLM were upsetting Bernie’s speech during the event. So Bernie quickly gave a plan to end racial in justice and moved on. Well today the shock of TV people killed live on TV but Bernie can’t go against the NRA so he will let this p$#%&!@*. Iowa polls have Hillary and Bernie has New Hampshire.
Michael Piellucci I said some of his ideas were good the idea of fixing union retirement benefits—–rather than cut the rank & file-but no I do not agree with all his policies that is why the word SOME is there along with i9deas no mention of policies