New Hampshire state Rep. Michael Cahill (D) once asked of his fellow lawmakers that if the budget isn’t going include people with disabilities, then why not euthanize them.
“Since we are refusing to raise revenues to fund needed programs, to fund services to disabled, for example, have you looked at euthanasia?” asked Cahill during a debate on the budget on Wednesday.
He was quickly called out by House Speaker Shawn Jasper, who stated that his comments were “inappropriate.”
Cahill later apologized for using a ‘poor choice of words.’
It will keep getting mentioned until people start to get comfortable with it. We need to keep calling out people like this. I don’t accept his apology, what would make a sane person say something like this.
Absolutely despicable!
its in obama care
How is euthanizing the disabled any different than what Hitler did to the disabled in his concentration camp gas Chambers?
Live free or be euthanized! Hahaha!
kick this m f out
New Hampshire state Rep. Michael Cahill (D) once asked of his fellow lawmakers that if the budget isn’t going include people with disabilities, then why not euthanize them. I wonder if this is the same Michael Cahill that was once a preacher..?? When I first met him, he was called as an associate preacher to First Baptist Church of Amherst NH.. I never liked him then ( call it a gut feeling..) , nor when he caused a breakup in the church..I finally bowed to family pressure to attend a church service several years after, in which he preached it was okay to spank a 3 month old baby for discrepant purpose to teach the baby a lesson. I couldn’t get up fast enough to walk out in the middle of the service..~~! The church finally kicked him out later due to a contract dispute..He wanted the church to pay for a large passenger van for his large family.. Seems he believed his wife was a baby machine.. If this is the same person, then People of NH you better wake up~!! This guy is NUTS~!!
In my opinion, This appears to be the same Michael Cahill I knew back in the 80’s and 90’s as a preacher of Christ Church in Amherst NH..I had no use for him then, and I’m surprised that he managed to talk his way into this position, not..His stand on euthanasia, while surprising… fits, is a perfect example of his evil progressives way of devaluing human life. He once preached that it was okay to spank 3 month old baby to punish him.. REALLY??? This guy is a pure a sicko, now as he has moved on to the killing of those who can’t defend themselves now??..
Well, this guy knows it’s been being discussed. Has been for a long time! I’ve known about this since the 80’s. Why do you think 1 out of every 2 people gets cancer? Soon to be 1 out of 1 (100%). Cancer is another (man made) disease. Time for you all to educate yourselves. They are and have been euthanizing us throughout history. Mass genocide in one name (God’s) or another whenever we grow spiritually, mentally and population-wise. Always mass genocide. To keep us down and out and dependent on them. Because if that ever changes…..we’d have a nice world (without the evil ones in it) Usually every other generation. Know your History! Yes, it WILL happen to you.
Involuntary euthanasia can occur indirectly when laws are passed which gives preferential treatment to one group at the expense of another.