New Hampshire state Rep. Michael Cahill (D) once asked of his fellow lawmakers that if the budget isn’t going include people with disabilities, then why not euthanize them.
“Since we are refusing to raise revenues to fund needed programs, to fund services to disabled, for example, have you looked at euthanasia?” asked Cahill during a debate on the budget on Wednesday.
He was quickly called out by House Speaker Shawn Jasper, who stated that his comments were “inappropriate.”
Cahill later apologized for using a ‘poor choice of words.’
“A true commmunist way to solve over population problem.?”
Just asking.
Let’s start with him
Our country is evil and brokedown.
This is a perfect example of the progressives constant devaluing of human life. Virtually all of our traditional morals and values have been stripped from our society.
It started with abortion on demand, then sex selection abortion, then infanticide, then elderly euthanasia, next it will be the mentally challenged, then the developmentally challenged, then the PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED, then those deemed intellectually inferior, then those deemed to have insufficient quality of life, and finally those declared genetically inferior.
And liberals have the unmitigated gall to call conservatives NAZIs.
Let’s pray that it never comes to this!
yup, he was being sarcastic, however, if politicians have no use of us, they often resort to euthanasia.
I suggest euthanizing stupid politicians!
Don’t laugh. they got away with Roe-v-Wade and look where that went. Now they’re talking about post-birth abortion and euthanasia. Think about it.
Sieg Heil…. comes to mind…
Will when they decide to start euthanasia by over population which this topic i have read about is the goal of the wealthiest 1% who actually own the world. But they just picked up illegal caring enough poison to wipe out 5 big citys. Its coming and they may get us and a lot of good people but they will burrowed in to protect thier asses but one day they must come out, that is when the few left behind must chase them till they have to go back to the safe place. Have no mercy because when they attack thier own citizens. That is called TREASONIST ACT and that my friend calls the day of reckoning. The get away plans have routes these people will be hunted down like the coward they are. MAY GOD BLESS
If you are shot in the head with a 45 do you have to die ? Not if YHHY SAYS NO !
the member should be escorted out of the building an get the s**t kicked out of him .