New Hampshire state Rep. Michael Cahill (D) once asked of his fellow lawmakers that if the budget isn’t going include people with disabilities, then why not euthanize them.
“Since we are refusing to raise revenues to fund needed programs, to fund services to disabled, for example, have you looked at euthanasia?” asked Cahill during a debate on the budget on Wednesday.
He was quickly called out by House Speaker Shawn Jasper, who stated that his comments were “inappropriate.”
Cahill later apologized for using a ‘poor choice of words.’
Start with him
If you didn’t make your own dirt to create a person and breathe life into them, it is not for you to decide to kill them. Shameful.
NAZI Germany is alive and well in New Hapshire.
Liberals are just ruining our country by saying things like that and ruinining our government too!!
Let’s start with this guy!
Yes….start with yourself.
Remove him now!!!!!!!!!
THIS is just an example of the nutjobs in congress today. Everyone should pay attention and get these people OUT of our house and senate before they destroy ALL of us.
that’s nwo plan…