The ability of thousands of Americans to purchase firearms is being thrown into jeopardy thanks to a sudden change in government policy regarding guns.
Following repeated calls by the left for gun control, many have been trying to stock up on weapons lest they lose the ability to acquire them soon. This massive upswing in first-time gun purchasers has caused a huge back-up in the nation’s background check system, something that doesn’t bode well for many of them.
The surge in gun sales has been so pronounced that the FBI has stopped reviewing appeals from new gun buyers who were not permitted to purchase firearms, basically arguing that it is “burdened” enough as it is.
This will no doubt be a source of great frustration to those seeking to buy a gun before the feds crack down on firearms, as they are in essence being denied their Second Amendment rights on account of not only government intrusion but government incompetence as well.
See video and more about background checks on the next page:
I smell a lawsuit going to happen
What part of “no infringement ” do they not understand?
Well FB is not letting me open this article ! Big surprise there Hun ?
A recent poll stated 20% of Democrats will cross party line and vote Republican because they could NOT vote for Hillary!
Figures they would find some way to stop people from buying guns. Just go camp by the mexican border and maybe you can buy one of the fast and ferious from the mexicans, without all the red tape lol
Stop Obama’s agenda. Impeach Obama now.
Backlog,whatever Obama wants,same result,he thinks the whole country is stupid sheep led to slaughter
so it starts a little here a little there and before you know it KNOCK KNOCK whos there
it is treason down with democrats
Shall not infringe ?