Any responsible American understands how a budget works. You can’t spend more than you take in. If you do, you have to spend less, or you’ll lose everything in the long run.
Somehow, the people we send to Washington D.C. — supposedly with superior intellects and our best interest in mind — haven’t learned that lesson. Every year we elect people who promise to balance our budget and release us from the constant threat of increasing debts, and nearly every year those very people go to Washington and spend more money, and put us deeper into debt.
All but one, it seems. One Republican legislator is finally trying to create real consequences for members of congress should they fail to balance the budget, and for once they, not the American people, will be the ones hurting should they fail.
To see the legislation, continue reading on the next page:
Works for me
Cut out paying the refugees millions of dollars just to move here, cut out the fraud in government, I know 3 people on disabilty that are able to work but don’t. One even told me other people do it so why not him. Cut out the money we give to countries that hate us! Just a few of the things that will help cut the budget.
Step one: get rid of Obama and Hillary.
About time Quit giving Obama money
Ryan or Mc Connell will never let it reach the floor.
TRUMP “16”
as they let obama send 500 million or billion i dont remember
There we go.
Only in major election years do they come up with this stuff.
Looks like everyone has shown up for this meeting.Do you think the would be here if it was in our interest?