Over 200 million Americans will be compelled to disclose their intimate financial details into a new national database currently being assembled by The Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
One Republican stated that the database will contain just about all information on you that you can imagine.
And it will all be centrally located for any oppressive agency that wants it.
Click The Link Below For More Info:
Yes, the Mormons have had records for years; so did the Jews; but when an enemy gets all of your records; you have no privacy at all. Also, “You know how good our Government is at keeping secrets; so you see why this is a horrible thing; and should not be allowed. “We the people are supposed to keep the Government in line by our Vote. We goofed when we voted in a person who did not qualify and everyone knew it. Now we could still do something; if someone just would. My Mother in law-now deceased, would say “Old Been Puttin’ It Off” Come on Congress, help us out here!
The government that would allow this should be replaced by people who respect American’s constitutional rights.
I hope they get a good laugh when they see mine.
the muslim are try to run our lives.were going to run them out
Orsen wells was soo right