The Food and Drug Administration is using it’s power to enforce onerous regulations that will stifle industry growth and devastate small businesses.
More specifically, the FDA is seeking to curb usage of e-cigarette and vapor products through the use of newly-published rules. If the rules are enforced to the letter, as they almost certainly will be, 99% of such products could become prohibited goods.
This is due to something called the Pre-Market Tobacco Applications process. Originating in anti-tobacco legislation passed in 2009, the PMTA has finally been formalized by the FDA and is set to go into effect in two years.
Under this process, businesses interested in producing and selling tobacco products will have to petition the FDA for permission to do so. Unsurprisingly, this entails navigating mountains of red tape and paying millions – yes, millions – of dollars before a single product can hit the market place.
This is hardly a glitch in the process: on the contrary, the whole idea is to make it next to impossible for anybody besides the wealthiest tobacco companies to get into the business.
See more on the next page:
Bernie Sanders has Heart & Soul agreement! Same messages for THE PEOPLE for 40 years. Hillary: Heart confusion (“learning moments” needs “to evolve”) and no Soul ($$$$$$). This defines the entirety of their political careers. Bernie is right; $15. CA & NY agree. Judgment comes from a leader, not a follower. Bernie leads the way for Hillary time and again with judgment. He is a leader because he is free to exercise superior judgement, as he is owned by no one. Hillary’s negative attention is divisive and has no place for progress. Bengazi, emails, paid speeches, being protested by grass roots orgs like Code Pink (for being a war hawk) and BLM (her racist past), and they are democrats! The GOP despise her more than Obama. When they start obstructing her uncomfortable, newly adopted, “democrat”, Bernie-lite stances, she will default down to Obama 2.0 >>> Aim low, fail lower! She has less public service experience than Bernie, in and out of office, and less success crossing the aisle. Bernie earned a bi-partisan nick name “The Amendment King” while in the House for getting things done with both sides. Hillary’s bi-partisan nick name is “flip flop” = red flags smacking across your face. Worst of all, her experience / voting record is, frankly, atrocious. A ball & chain for progress. So vote with purpose and a semblance of understanding for judgment, qualifications, and a stellar record. Voting for gender and celebrity is shallow and portrays democrats as clueless simpletons. We are better than that.
Need to ban all of it along with this vaping s**t
Your an idiot
Bernie didn’t collect a pay check or have a real job until he was 40….hes a freeloading piec of trash and definitely no leader
Be aware that the policies and employees of this branch change as often as you change your underwear. (so to speak) A standing joke is “don’t p**s off anyone too bad cause you never know who you’ll have to report next” b/c jobs are frequently traded btw industry and government.
Get the government off of cigarettes and e-cigs. My choices are not their business. I started smoking in the military. They gave me 4 cigs and a pack of matches with every c-rat. Now if you smoke within 10 feet of the door of a business they can ticket and fine you. Idiots, money grubbers.
I think maybe they’re healthier than cigarettes and the drug companys will lose too much profit that goes with smoking!
#no money in cures
F**k bernie fucking sanders….
When YOU going to BAN your categories of your constant KILLINGS ADDITIONAL ADDICTIONS?
Kevin, one of my jobs was working for big pharma r&d; it’s sad to see products get ashcanned simply when there isn’t a big enough market base even though the product proves efficacy for those that benifit from it.