I think we are going to run out of adjectives to describe the deplorable level of corruption inherent in everything the Clintons touch long before this presidential campaign mercifully comes to an end. Either that or we’re going to have to find another language from which to borrow more words.
To say that the Clinton Foundation is fraudulent is only to state the obvious. This is not primarily some beneficent charitable institution set up to better the condition of humanity. It is principally a vehicle for raising money for Bill and Hillary in return for access to the then secretary of state. It’s very simple. Need a favor from the U.S. Department of State? Just drop a few million into Hillary’s foundation and the favor is yours. It just doesn’t get more brazen than that. And to think we used to make fun of other countries for incorporating this level of criminality into their government operations.
Okay, to state that Hillary is corrupt is only to demonstrate that I have a terrific grasp on the obvious. What is the latest revelation? What has just come to light that she was hiding?
P**s and moan is more like your name
she will always sell America out…..she has already given this country to evil soros and the Arabs
.she deserve to be in compete for wiping out all scandalistic e.mail. Most criminal in civilized society.
Hay I know this post glad it’s being reposted great job
execute now!
I have never heard of any Money going to people of the USA only Money going into Foundation !!
What do you call a Woman that has Favors for Sale ??
Hillary should held in comtemp for lying to the American public put in chains and hauled away to trial sentence and sent to gitmo for being a traitor to our country of America
Of course
Traitors lock them up