It was bound to happen, but its still surprising that it took so long: the FBI is finally coming to terms with the fact that Hillary Clinton lied to them regarding her private email server.
In classic Clinton fashion, the former Secretary of State managed to play off her habitual lying as an endearing character trait to the already-enamored-of-her media, which applauded her for her ability to be “expedient” and “embellish” the truth. As a consequence, Hillary was able to remain a free woman even after FBI director James Comey acknowledged that she broke the law.
As many Americans articulated, it’s hard to imagine that such courtesy would have been extended to anyone else had they done the same thing. Thankfully, however, it seems that the tables have turned, and it appears that Hillary might finally get her just desserts.
Turn to the next page for more info about the FBI’s investigation into Hillary:
This election is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. This is about the most corrupt person to ever run for President of the USA. The Clinton crime family must be stopped
was there ever any doubt???
Ya THINK??… They NEED to talk on this sex trafficking/pedophile ring the Clintons are involved in in Washington DC!! While it might seem extremely far-fetched to imagine Hillary could be that evil, several FBI sources are confirming that evidence is now emerging from the latest FBI email probe, revealing that a massive child pedophile trafficking ring is in full swing at our nation’s capital and that Hillary Clinton is at the center of it all. According to these alleged reports, several leaders from federal agencies, including 6 members of Congress, are implicated in the child trafficking ring, where they also allege that Hillary’s Clinton Foundation is being used as a front to hide the illegal activity. Several people online, who claim to have inside ties within the NYPD, are corroborating this disturbing rumor, alleging that Anthony Weiner’s recently-confiscated laptop reveals all the explicit details of a pedophile ring, directly tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton. (Truth be known…I’ll bet there is far more then just six members of congress implicated).
There was a doubt? Her lips were moving weren’t they?
She has lied all along………………………
and the fbi, lied to the citizens… It is TREASON by both. Treat it as treason.
What???Hillary Lie???