It was bound to happen, but its still surprising that it took so long: the FBI is finally coming to terms with the fact that Hillary Clinton lied to them regarding her private email server.
In classic Clinton fashion, the former Secretary of State managed to play off her habitual lying as an endearing character trait to the already-enamored-of-her media, which applauded her for her ability to be “expedient” and “embellish” the truth. As a consequence, Hillary was able to remain a free woman even after FBI director James Comey acknowledged that she broke the law.
As many Americans articulated, it’s hard to imagine that such courtesy would have been extended to anyone else had they done the same thing. Thankfully, however, it seems that the tables have turned, and it appears that Hillary might finally get her just desserts.
Turn to the next page for more info about the FBI’s investigation into Hillary:
So did Martha Stewart and for her first offense. Hmmm
If her mouth moves she is telling another lie.
whats new killary always lies , now put her away
No way….she doesn’t lie!! Or shall I say she can’t keep up with her lies.
If Pathological lying crooked killary is opening her mouth, she is lying.
Hillary for Prison. Who in the World would vote for this Vile corrupt Woman???. Do All her Supporters (sheep) think all the reports on her are Not true?? Can they really be so Blind to the Truth Or are they just OK with All the Lies and Corruption???.. No wonder our country is in Trouble.. Keep following her sheepies. You will all go to Slaughter with her, once Trump is Elected.. Trump / Pence 2016..
We the people already know she lied…so get on with the arrest…
A habitual liar can’t remember their lies. She is one of those people. God help us if she gets elected. It won’t be with my help.
She has been lying her whole life !!