New Dove ‘Feminist’ Soap Aims to End “Body Shaming Soap Bottles”

What’s long, generally rather circular in shape, if you put your hands around it with a bit of pressure liquid will come on your hands or anywhere on your body for that matter?

For feminists, the answer to this question is a body shaming soap bottle. Although most people would likely report a different life essential coming to mind known to emit a much more natural substance that unlike soap, is quite safe to swallow, even on a daily basis, from what I’ve heard. But, feminist are a breed of their own. Those ladies saying that human trafficking and FGM are the issues to focus on are clearly out of touch with what feminist are most outraged over today.

If you like to watch things get ridiculed on the internet, chances are you’ve seen the latest Dove campaign – they’ve launched six bottles, each supposedly representing a different body type. This controversial move is the latest manifestation of their ‘Real Beauty Pledge’, which makes three promises. First, they’ll always feature ‘real women’ rather than models (who, presumably, are space lizards in well-crafted flesh suits), will ‘portray women as they are in real life’, and will help girls build body confidence. This all sounds lovely, so it’s a real shame that everything Dove says – to avoid beating about the bush – is a racist, misogynistic hoax.

Feminist bitching about the patriarchy defining women is usually a giant red flag that women are about to take their cat-fighting to the national arena.

Nobody hates women as much as fellow women. Body-positive really should be replaced with fat-positive. Because let’s be real. Most fat people aren’t body shamed by anyone except themselves. But God forbid you’re thin, be ready to get accused at least 10 times a week of having an eating disorder, making other people feel bad for “resisting the patriarchy” by being fat and refusing to conform to traditional body images, or that you hate yourself for committing that horrible evil cardinal feminist sin of liking yourself, being active, confident and taking care of your body.

And for the record I’m 100% for women being any size they want to be as long as they’re ACTUALLY healthy and truly like their bodies! I’ve never seen a women of any size who truly liked her body and confident be overlooked or put down. Not being a bitch goes a long ways. Most men don’t actually mind if a girl doesn’t quite look like a supermodel. I do know though 100% men hate having their wife or girlfriend constantly put them down, refuse to believe or share in their dreams, and pushing away their hands or any other form of physical intimacy.

What I really care about is that people stop buying into this whole fake feminist alibi of the patriarchy being responsible for the problems caused by other women simply hating each other and acting like toddlers.

You know how I know that feminist and fat-positive supporters don’t actually like they’re bodies and aren’t accepting of all body types? They want to try and FORCE everyone look and feel exactly like themselves. And that’s pretty darn lousy, in more ways than one…

Back to the riddle at the top of the page. It serves two purposes: one to re-introduce the topic and secondly to organically point out the obvious.

Let’s take another look

What’s long, generally rather circular in shape, if you put your hands around it with a bit of pressure liquid will squirt out onto your hands or anywhere on your body for that matter?

A body shaming soap bottle? If that is the case it really does make one wonder what a psychologist would have to say about why the 1st though popping into these feminist minds is that they’re not as sexy as a soap bottle. For a feminist, is literally anything more attractive than themselves? And does that have anything to do with their appearance or rather the manifestation of a mental health problem. You know…

In the meantime you can learn about how feminist are trying to ban boobs from advertising. Or learn more about how liberal Texas feminist are trying to pass a bill banning Viagra and “any emission outside of a vagina”. Why? Just go read the article!

Source: Cherwell



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