DHS has just released their new “Policies for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants” to provide details to the immigration actions Obama just announced – and the priorities for deportation are quite striking.
Top priority is given to new illegal border crossers, terrorists and felons. Less priority is given to sex abusers, drug dealers and convicted drunk drivers.
yeah, if they do it legally, you freaking t**d…you are such a LIAR you make me sick
nobama supporters
disgusting, totally disgusting
He wants me to clock him in the jaw..Obama’s new voters
The more they merrier-feel so safe-look at the stats in the US prison population and you decide
you folks don’t get it! You have not studied history in a meaningful way, but they did! Someday people will realize that every and any government worker is a POS, of course I already understand this
Who says DHS can make Immigration rules ?? That should be up to Congress.
I say it’s open season on them before it becomes us
h cause they all got together and decided to prioritize the people most likely to cause violent crime. Not only that, do you morons know most Hispanic gang members are reeeeaaaal easy to spot? Face tattoos and all?
Too bad them border jumpers can’t fight lol