The tragedies that attached to the Vietnam war are legion. Those who lived through that period will remember many of them. Those who fought there carry those tragedies in their minds and bodies.
There’s a lot of talk about “the good war,” meaning World War II as though any war can be a good thing. War can be a necessary thing, and nations must prepare to defend themselves as hostile nations and non-state actors abound in our world. But it’s really tough to call any war “good” when there are so many casualties. It’s not hard to wonder whether the future researcher who might have discovered the cure to a terrible disease never got the chance because he or she died in a war.
The Vietnam war was particularly devastating for America, not only in terms of lives lost, but in terms of those who suffer to this day from that conflict. Now we see evidence that future generations will continue to suffer physically from their parents’ participation in that war. This may turn out to be another case of the “gift that keeps on giving.” More on page two.
Agent orange is what killed my brother in law Clay Hart Vietnam Vet. Govt. would not except his claim . three years after his death . the Govt. sent a letter excepting his claim !!!
It was used in the United States for years by forestry dept.
it killed my friend a vietnam vet.
One year since I filled a clam to this agent Orange and have to date hear nothing.
sorry to hear that Denis Patnoe
60,000 dead in Vietnam ? not true. we’re still dying because of agent orange. me? VA doctor says i’ve had two heart attacks n five stokes because of agent orange
yep, the rise of autism, adhd, ocd, down’s syndrome can be contributed on the most part with the food that has been treated, processed and we eat.
You can’t seriously be believing an article from “natural news”. Bogus is being generous with the description. Yes Agent Orange is awful stuff and many service members have gotten ill and died through the exposure. But connecting to GMOs is nutty. Truth and Action I expect better…
My father in law died from the effects of Agent Orange years after his service. Even though he smoked for years, his lungs were clear; except for scar tissue caused by Agent Orange. Agent Orange IS a Genetically Modified Agent. It was a defoliant used to kill the dense jungles of Viet Nam. The weed killer Roundup is genetically modified to attack chlorophyll in a plant to kill anything green that it touches.