“Some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president,” the new Common Core book “Barack Obama” reads.
So the only challenge for Barack was white voters, according to this indoctrination propaganda of our youth. Not the fact that many awake Americans were hip to his communist agenda from the start.
And let’s just forget that 71% of Obama voters regret voting reelect him.
A children’s book that is part of the Common Core curriculum portrays white voters as racists who would never vote for Obama for president. The book called, “Barack Obama,” says: “Some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president,” the book reads. This is in spite of the fact that millions of whites voted for the sitting president.Follow TLR on Google+Common Core’s implementation has gotten off to a rocky start. States like Indiana have opted out of the unified educational standards, with Governor Mike Pence signing legislation that removed the state from required participation. Still, the law doesn’t fully prohibit some parts of Common Core from being implemented.
In New York, the first state that implemented the guidelines, a girl was suspended from school after she told classmates that they were able to opt out of the Common Core English test. She was suspended for insubordination for two days after the incident. Students at another school were rewarded with ice cream if they took the test, and students who refused to take it were punished by having their ice cream withheld.
Common Core State Standards will reportedly have little to no impact on student achievement according to a study published by the Brookings Institution. The report concluded that it would take 24 years to achieve a noticeable improvement, making it harder to understand why the federal government is pushing so desperately for the unified educational standards.
Common Core has been creating strange bedfellows coalitions across the United States, with conservative seeing it as obtrusive federal overreach and liberal activists seeing it as an attack on teacher’s independence. Left/Right grassroots groups have been rallying to fight back against the unified standards for different reasons, but with the same goal of decreasing the federal government’s ability to restrict the rights of teachers, students and parents.
I just don’t get it. Maybe I’m to ” old ” to get it, but isn’t he half white too ?? Why do people insist on saying he is the first black president ? I don’t care for his black half NOR do I care for his white half. It’s about his ridiculous policies that infuriate me, not the color of his skin.
pure and simple libturd bull$#%&!@*
Obama was not eligible (Kenyan) and two no experience and a bad choice to begin with.
Arrest Barrack Obama for Treason. Shut down the horribly corrupt EPA, IRS, and Bureau of Land Management. End our stupid wars, repeal Obamacare, the NDAA, the Cyber Security Bill, and the Patriot Act. Arrest Barrack Obama for Treason. Stop shipping money and weapons to the Ukraine, Iran, and Egypt. Quit supporting and financing Terrorists. We have Immigration Laws, use them. Shut down the horribly corrupt IRS, EPA, and Bureau of Land Management. Global Warming is scientists paid to lie. No Incumbents. Shred every one of Obama’s Executive Orders. Fire every one of Obama’s Appointees. Fire Eric Holder and John Kerry. Fire Joe Biden.
Why does Barrack Obama love gun control so much?
Why does any blood thirsty dictator love gun control?
The Al Qaeda, the Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood are Terrorists and they always were.
The United States should never support and finance Terrorism.
Arrest Barrack Obama for Treason.
No Incumbents.
It was horribly wrong for the EU and the United States and George Soros and the National Endowment for Democracy to create, support, and finance the violence and Terrorism in the Ukraine just as it is wrong for Obama and the CIA to continue to fiance and support the Terrorists in Syria.
Our CIA and Pentagon and National Endowment for Democracy and State Department should not work to determine what type government every nation in the world has through violence, protests, Terrorism, and war.
Shut down NATO, it is nothing but a War Machine.
Give NATO and the Untied States Military Bases all over the world to the sovereign nation they were built in, we can not afford to operate them and we can not continue to support and finance Terrorism and War all over the world, nor should we. The Trillions of Dollars we have spent on this is just wasted. Thousands of years of hate and war have taught each man and woman who can think that hate and war bring only more hate and war.
The CIA and NSA should only investigate and not spread violence, Terrorism, and War all over the world.
End our stupid wars.
It is not so hard, just quit blowing things up and murdering people and bring our troops home.
No Incumbents.
No Incumbents.
Common Core is common propaganda. I actually would have supported Jeb Bush until I saw him stand up for common core. Never will I support anyone who is misleading Americans.
I was amazed their were that many stupid people vote for him.
really — maybe, they were just smart