“Some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president,” the new Common Core book “Barack Obama” reads.
So the only challenge for Barack was white voters, according to this indoctrination propaganda of our youth. Not the fact that many awake Americans were hip to his communist agenda from the start.
And let’s just forget that 71% of Obama voters regret voting reelect him.
A children’s book that is part of the Common Core curriculum portrays white voters as racists who would never vote for Obama for president. The book called, “Barack Obama,” says: “Some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president,” the book reads. This is in spite of the fact that millions of whites voted for the sitting president.Follow TLR on Google+Common Core’s implementation has gotten off to a rocky start. States like Indiana have opted out of the unified educational standards, with Governor Mike Pence signing legislation that removed the state from required participation. Still, the law doesn’t fully prohibit some parts of Common Core from being implemented.
In New York, the first state that implemented the guidelines, a girl was suspended from school after she told classmates that they were able to opt out of the Common Core English test. She was suspended for insubordination for two days after the incident. Students at another school were rewarded with ice cream if they took the test, and students who refused to take it were punished by having their ice cream withheld.
Common Core State Standards will reportedly have little to no impact on student achievement according to a study published by the Brookings Institution. The report concluded that it would take 24 years to achieve a noticeable improvement, making it harder to understand why the federal government is pushing so desperately for the unified educational standards.
Common Core has been creating strange bedfellows coalitions across the United States, with conservative seeing it as obtrusive federal overreach and liberal activists seeing it as an attack on teacher’s independence. Left/Right grassroots groups have been rallying to fight back against the unified standards for different reasons, but with the same goal of decreasing the federal government’s ability to restrict the rights of teachers, students and parents.
White people are not listening to this c**p anymore! “Y’all didn’t vote for Obama cause y’all racist!” Many white people DID vote for Obama . . . most of those who didn’t were concerned about his obvious infatuation with communism!
He had nothing to offer then and he still has nothing to offer now except for corruption and higher taxes. How’s that HOPE AND CHANGE working out for you???
impeach the n****r he is the reason this country has gone to hell and the price of gass is so high
Many blacks are regreting voting for obama
Common Core is total trash, throw it out and give our kids a fighting chance in this world
You’re kidding that is actually in the books?
Common core should becalled liberal commie core
this stuff is plane wrong, i hope the parents wake up and throw this c**p out . the saying goes you have to stand for something or you;ll fall for anything. all 80% has fallen for obamas lie. soom is now waking up. get with it people we have to save our country. when you have a purfest socialist running for sent. time to put a stop to it. we need good people not some one who wonts to take from you and give to someone else. weve got that now or do you like being told do, as i say and not as i do
i didnt know it was smart to be racist , it was damn sure smart not to vote for obama
thoes free cell phones were payed for by people who work and most of the people are drug dealers and hoes and the 250 mins a month guess who is paying for that I SAY $#%&!@* YOU OBAMA GET THE $#%&!@* OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE AND GO BACK TO KENYA THE PLACE YOU WERE BORN