“Some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president,” the new Common Core book “Barack Obama” reads.
So the only challenge for Barack was white voters, according to this indoctrination propaganda of our youth. Not the fact that many awake Americans were hip to his communist agenda from the start.
And let’s just forget that 71% of Obama voters regret voting reelect him.
A children’s book that is part of the Common Core curriculum portrays white voters as racists who would never vote for Obama for president. The book called, “Barack Obama,” says: “Some people said Americans weren’t ready for that much change. Sure Barack was a nice fellow, they said. But white voters would never vote for a black president,” the book reads. This is in spite of the fact that millions of whites voted for the sitting president.Follow TLR on Google+Common Core’s implementation has gotten off to a rocky start. States like Indiana have opted out of the unified educational standards, with Governor Mike Pence signing legislation that removed the state from required participation. Still, the law doesn’t fully prohibit some parts of Common Core from being implemented.
In New York, the first state that implemented the guidelines, a girl was suspended from school after she told classmates that they were able to opt out of the Common Core English test. She was suspended for insubordination for two days after the incident. Students at another school were rewarded with ice cream if they took the test, and students who refused to take it were punished by having their ice cream withheld.
Common Core State Standards will reportedly have little to no impact on student achievement according to a study published by the Brookings Institution. The report concluded that it would take 24 years to achieve a noticeable improvement, making it harder to understand why the federal government is pushing so desperately for the unified educational standards.
Common Core has been creating strange bedfellows coalitions across the United States, with conservative seeing it as obtrusive federal overreach and liberal activists seeing it as an attack on teacher’s independence. Left/Right grassroots groups have been rallying to fight back against the unified standards for different reasons, but with the same goal of decreasing the federal government’s ability to restrict the rights of teachers, students and parents.
Every one has forgotten when jimmy Carter & Dale Bumper sent poison gas to Iraq, to Saddam Hussian, and he used it on the Kurdish people, and he did have weapons of mass destructions, during the Iraq & Iran war. It was plastered all over the news with Jimmy’s & Dale’s white teeth just smiling like they did big things. We are old enough to remember this.
He was elected, whites voted for him so whats the problem? Someone throwing up a smoke screen, racist my ass.
Wake up AMERICA. Open your eyes. See where our country going and what happening with our country
Stupid peoples have no idea where we going
yes I regret voting for Obama
So that makes Blacks racist for not voting for Romney.
Really, take a good look at everything their black president has done to this country.
There is nothing wrong being racist. No I don’t think so. And if black peoples can be racist if, if muslims can be racist then why we white peoples can’t be racist. Believe me there is nothing wrong being racist. And sometimes its sooooo very good to be racist and sometimes its important too
Elbaradei to Obama: Your becoming the Islamic Caliphate is the only way for the NWO to rule the Middle East!
CIA spy, Omar Afifi said that Soros-man Elbaradei told Obama that the only way for the NWO to rule the Middle East, is through declaring Obama as the Islamic Caliphate. Elbaradei said that liberalism, socialism and anarchism are not popular in the Middle East, but Islamic Caliphate can allow Obama to send jihadists and takfiris to kill Christians, and cut their hands and feet, according to Sharia Law. Then Obama can send them again to kill their police, army and non-jihadist, non-takriri Muslims, then he can kill terrorists and declare the new global religion, Bahaii, Masonic, Satanic, created by humans, through $#%&!@*tail of religions, that ends in worshiping one God; Lucifer, the Satan! Afifi, who lives in Virginia, USA, since 2008, and leads all terrorism against Egypt from there, mentioned that Obama shall be the Islamic Caliphate, and all jihadists, who are brain washed and mind controlled in Guantanamo, and the CIA, shall declare him as their Islamic Caliphate, after Qatari Sheikh Youssef El Qaradawi, makes a fatwa about that, claiming that Quran states that it is no difference between Arab Muslims and non-Arab Muslims. To gain their trust, he shall allow them to kill Christians in the USA and EU, like what his brother Malik Obama is doing in Africa and Asia! Then the USA shall collapse, so that Israel leads the world and that is why Obama is opening US borders to illegal criminals and terrorists. That is why Obama is playing all games, with Israel, Hamas, ISIS, Free Islamic Army, and Muslim Brotherhood, to create Islamic Caliphate in Sinai of Egypt, like what was done in parts of Iraq and Syria, and will force to free Morsi and to transfer Muslim Brothers to Sinai. After allowing this to occur, Obama and allies will have an excuse to strike Egypt, Iraq and Syria, in a war on terrorism, to reoccupy the Middle East and declare their NOW!