The execution of LaVoy Finicum, one of the rancher leaders at the Oregon wildlife refuge occupation earlier this year, is being played over and over by law enforcement, determined to convince the “lying eyes” of those watching video of the event that what they see is actually not what they see. There is a secondary question of whether FBI agents fired their weapons, or whether it was only trigger-happy state troopers who were firing at the truck and Finicum.
A video of the shooting without sound was released to the public early on, but a second video taken by friends and family of Finicum, including children, who were in the truck with him has now been released with a sound track. You can hear the verbal exchanges between Finicum and the officers as he calls to them from inside the truck. Finicum states that he is going to the next town to meet with the sheriff. That was not to be as law enforcement vehicles blocked the road and Finicum was forced into a snow bank at the side of the highway.
New video below raises new questions from critics, page 2:
The reports I have read and the interview with one of the woman in the truck says that LaVoy was not armed. He had left his weapons at the refuge as they were on their way to a meeting with Gov officials(which, obviously, was a set up to get him out in the open). A .44 cal revovler was registered to LaVoy and he owned a rifle as well. The police report states that a 9mm semi auto was recovered from his body(which laid there for over 10 minutes until anyone checks his vitals). What is the most common weapon used as a plant? A 9mm semi auto. LaVoy Finicum was murdered by Gov.
Brave men, shooting at a vehicle with a child inside. FBI PLANNED a desasterous outcome.
Lol…..put your tin hat on. You morons challenge a road block and u get shot. Plain and simple. Force met with force.
“you morons”? Who are you? He didn’t try to hit the roadblock or use his vehicle as a weapon. He didn’t draw a weapon. You are full of s**t.
How’s that any different than what the federal government did to the Native Americans. Looks like history will play out again
I don’t understand after he said he was going to see the sheriff why were they shooting. The people in the truck never fired a shot. What right did the cops have to shoot? It was a set up. The meeting he was supposed to go to…the people there probably were not really expecting him…just needed to know where they were going and when the would be on that road. Set up. This is sad. If they can do it to them over something that would eventually end up in court and settled one way or another, they can do this to any one of us for any reason they want. His hands were up until he was shot. Pathetic excuses for cops, fbi, or whoever. Coverup. Just another way for them to take away gun rights, land, or anything else the government wants.
1st degrees murder
There will never be justice for them. Ever. They will be in prison and within a few more weeks nobody will even remember and be on to something else that makes them mad but wont do anything about it. So there for just let it go. Let them rot in prison.
These law enforcement officers must be held accountable!