The execution of LaVoy Finicum, one of the rancher leaders at the Oregon wildlife refuge occupation earlier this year, is being played over and over by law enforcement, determined to convince the “lying eyes” of those watching video of the event that what they see is actually not what they see. There is a secondary question of whether FBI agents fired their weapons, or whether it was only trigger-happy state troopers who were firing at the truck and Finicum.
A video of the shooting without sound was released to the public early on, but a second video taken by friends and family of Finicum, including children, who were in the truck with him has now been released with a sound track. You can hear the verbal exchanges between Finicum and the officers as he calls to them from inside the truck. Finicum states that he is going to the next town to meet with the sheriff. That was not to be as law enforcement vehicles blocked the road and Finicum was forced into a snow bank at the side of the highway.
New video below raises new questions from critics, page 2:
They Murdered plain and simple. That’s why people are losing respect for them. Always under Democrat leadership
Ahahaha, so it doesn’t matter that he was ignoring orders from law enforcement and screaming that they’d have to shoot him?
Btw, it’s law enforcement policy to put down anyone you shoot with multiple shots. They made the call that based on his behavior of fleeing arrest, veering recklessly into a ditch, not cooperating with law enforcement and screaming what amounts to, “YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!”, That he was a dangerous criminal and their lives were in danger due to him.
Pretty solid call. He was a maniac and if you look over the videos he made while occupying the bird sanctuary, he desperately wanted to be a martyr.
“I don’t plan to spend my life in a concrete box.”
Tells you all you need to know. He was never going to cooperate with law enforcement. It was his goal to die that day.
That’s why he hopped right out and started yelling that they’d have to shoot him. That’s why he didn’t stop moving towards them or get on the ground when they told him to and gave him PLENTY of time to comply. That’s why he died.
Because of his own deliberate behavior. Suicide by cop in an attempt to become a martyr.
It was suicide by cop.
Go and find the video this article references but doesn’t have or link to. The one taken by Finicums family from within the car.
He fled arrest and veered recklessly into a snow bank. At that point he got our and yelled, multiple times, “You’re gonna have to shoot me!” While the officers order him several times to get on the ground.
They gave him so much leeway, so much time to stop acting the damn fool and get on the ground…
But instead, the idiot kept advancing in them and screaming, essentially, that they’d never take him alive.
You don’t need to take my word for it. Go find the video HIS folks took. And wonder to yourself why this manipulative opinion piece doesn’t include it or link to it
The time is coming…
Donald Trump can’t keep anyone from committing suicide by cop.
Have you even watched the video his people took from inside the car?
It’s great. You can hear him yelling, “You’re gonna have to shoot me!” As the cops yell back, “Get on the ground!”
He had nearly 10 seconds to comply but the idiot wannabe martyr kept screaming that they’d have to shoot him while advancing on officers.
Obey the law and listen to cops and you don’t get shot. It’s simple, common sense$#%&!@*Donny has nothing to do with and wouldn’t have the power to change.
His suicide by cop was already for nothing. Or did you not see the video confirming this idiot killed himself by acting like a damn fool?
By the way… Your meme doesn’t make sense. The Donald believes in emminent domain AKA land grabbing by the government.
Don’t take my word for it, though. Go find the video Finicums family took from inside the car. The one this article suspiciously doesn’t link to at all.
Also, go look at what your King has had to say about emminent domain. You may be shocked that it’s exactly opposite of what your meme says lmao
What kind of third world c**p is this? How can you explain this away?
This obuma b******t from the beginning. The man was executed. The sad part is nobody will be held accountable. Epically the racist president who started it all.
Just like they did in Waco. They could have arrested Him at the Meeting. They forced the issue so they could just kill him and make an example out of it.
The sheriff should arrest those killers .