The National Rifle Association (NRA) issued a statement last week regarding the sale and use of “bump fire stocks” by calling on the United States government to look into the weapon accessory and determining whether or not the item would require new and improved legislation and regulation or restriction.
Despite that call by the NRA and the fact that its members have not committed the crimes that have been attributed to others, there is a cacophony of calls now from Hollywood celebrities urging people to reject the NRA and “opt out” of its membership.
With this call for a boycott of the firearms association is also a tendency to over-accentuate the culpability of these members. The Las Vegas shooter was neither an NRA member nor was he a Republican. In fact, he was a registered Democrat.
Turn to the next page to read more about the latest push by Hollywood and its denizens to damage the legal bearers of weapons and firearms licenses!
Oh noez! Non paying non members plan on holding their course and having an impact? Worked for the Titanic! Full steam ahead!
Who cares.
Oh no! The Pansy Brigade
No one cares about celebs
I am a proud life member of the NRA, and I have not committed any criminal acts or shot any innocent people.
Just like the rest of the NRA members
Aaaaaaanndd nobody cares.
Those narcissist liberals can’t get past the next mirror or the next award show where they applaud each other to actually come up with anything anyone would even consider seriously. Yawn.
I own many guns, legally.
I have never been arrested, EVER.
I have never been to jail for anything.
And I can’t buy a silencer, unless I get a very expensive licence for class-3 weapons. The background check is VERY extensive for class-3 weapons.
Please, liberal assholes, don’t make it sound like you can get a silencer as easy as buying a gallon of milk. It’s NOT that way, and you know it!!
You just want to make the idiot liberals who know nothing about guns or licences believe silencers are easy to get……..which they are not!! Stop fucking lying!
Who cares what they think!!!!
The NRA is our most important group!